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Teaching Missions of academic units: Academic units within the University

have missions that include research, service, and teaching responsibilities.

The teaching responsibilities of a unit may be both general to the

discipline and may be in support of other university functions or academic

programs. The teaching missions of an academic unit have been developed

over time. Any new teaching missions should be created as a joint agreement

between the administration and the majority of the faculty in the unit, with

appropriate validation by the Graduate or Undergraduate Council and the

Academic Council.

Responsibility of unit chairs and deans: A chair is responsible for

assigning teaching duties to individual faculty members to meet teaching

needs consistent with the unit's mission. The teaching need is determined

by the chairman in consultation with both the fauclty and the office of the

dean. The central administration will have final authority in determining

the need to teach courses within a unit. Assignments of courses to

particular faculty members should be done with consideration of the faculty

member's skills, limitations, other university responsibilities, and

professional development goals. Assignments should be made known to faculty

in a timely manner via appropriate channels.

Responsibility of Faculty: Faculty are responsible for carrying out their

teaching assignments. If a faculty member believes that his or her

assignment is unfair or is a hardship, he or she may appeal through the

faculty grievance process. In making an appeal, the faculty member must

show that the assignment is unfair or a hardship when weighed in the context

of the unit's mission. Until a resolution is reached, the faculty member

must continue to teach his or her assigned classes.