* Definition and Purpose
The University Standing Committees are appointed to bring together faculty, staff, alumni, students, and administrators for the purpose of collecting, exchanging, and weighing information and opinions and submitting to the Chancellor and/or Provost recommendations for changes that the committees deem necessary for the general good of the University. Each committee has the responsibility of continually reviewing practices and policies in its area of concern, as well as performing specifically designated duties.
The University Standing Committees are advisory to the Chancellor and/or Provost and, as such, perform a significant role in the governance of the University. Since these committees are an important source of faculty, student and staff input in the governance of the University, and since committee membership is viewed as a University service for the purpose of tenure and promotion, individuals who agree to serve on the University Standing Committees are expected to be diligent in their attendance and committee tasks.
Decisions made by Standing Committees shall be regarded as recommendations until approved by the Chancellor, except in special cases as outlined in the committee descriptions. The format for conducting meetings of Standing Committees and for preparing and filing the minutes of the Standing Committees is outlined on the following pages. Permanent copies of Standing Committee minutes are maintained in the Office of the Chancellor and the J.D. Williams Library.
* Appointments and Membership
The Committee on Committees of the Senate of the Faculty makes recommendations for faculty membership on University Standing Committees except for those committees for which there are election processes. A subcommittee appointed by the President of the Staff Council makes recommendations for staff membership on University Standing Committees except for those committees for which there are election processes. On committees where the chair has not been designated, the first person named on the committee membership shall convene the committee for the purpose of selecting a chair. The initial meeting must be called within fourteen days of the start of fall semester classes. (A call for the initial meeting of the Artist Series, Lecture Series, and Intercollegiate Athletics committees should be within fourteen days of their annual start date.) All committee chairs are elected annually unless otherwise noted. Faculty representation on all University Standing Committees is limited to faculty members with administrative titles no higher than departmental chair. Therefore, deans, associate deans, assistant deans, directors, associate directors, assistant directors, etc., may not serve as faculty representatives on University Standing Committees. This does not prevent such individuals from serving as administrative representatives. In general, a faculty member is defined as any full-time, tenure-track professor above the rank of Instructor.
* Terms and Length of Appointments
Unless otherwise noted, a Standing Committee is appointed for a term that shall run from the first day of fall classes to the first day of fall classes. Faculty membership on standing committees is generally a three-year term unless otherwise noted. Faculty membership to Standing Committees is staggered when possible to provide continuity within the committee's membership. The Senate of the Faculty and Staff Council nominations should be submitted to the Chancellor early in May. New terms for committee members shall begin with the appointments by the Chancellor and/or Provost.
* Duties of Chairs of University Standing Committees
1. Obtain from the previous chair the records of the committee and apprise himself/herself and the committee members of general and specific duties of the committee.
2. Arrange for meeting times appropriate for all members. Secure a meeting place, prepare agendas, and call meetings of the committee.
3. Obtain or arrange for the provision to the committee of data, additional expertise, survey results, etc., so that the duties of the committee can be efficiently carried out and recommendations of import and substance can be generated.
4. Report any chronic absences or resignations of committee members so that replacement appointments may be made.
5. Prepare or supervise the preparation of an annual report of the activities and recommendations of the committee. Forward an original and one copy of the report to the Office of the Chancellor and one copy to the Committee on Committees of the Senate of the Faculty.
6. Maintain a file that will include
a. a statement of the function of the committee
b. the approved minutes of each committee meeting
c. the annual report of the committee
d. documents, correspondence, data and other information that might be of continuing value to the committee
7. Forward committee records to the new committee chair when a new committee chair is appointed.
* Committee Minutes (preparation, recording, and filing)
All committees are expected to keep minutes of all meetings and records of policy decisions and actions. Minutes shall be made available to all members of the faculty and staff.
Unless otherwise noted, minutes of all standing committees should be delivered to the Office of the Chancellor.
Upon final approval or disapproval by the Chancellor, one copy will be returned to the chair of the committee indicating the action taken, after which the chair is authorized to act accordingly; one copy will be retained in the Office of the Chancellor; and the original will become a part of the official records in the archives and special collections of the J.D. Williams Library for use by any faculty or staff member.
Since the committee minutes will be bound and will become a part of the permanent records of the University, it is desirable that all minutes should follow an established form:
MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE (full title of committee)
1. the date, and place of meeting, followed by
2. the name of the presiding officer, followed by
3. list of members present, followed by
4. list of members absent, followed by
5. the minutes of the meeting broken down into numbered paragraphs
6. the name of the chair and the signature either of the chair or the secretary
of the committee, followed by
7. a place for the Chancellor's signature.
In all cases a left-hand margin of at least 1 1/2 inches should be allowed for binding purposes.
* Annual Report Instructions
In April of each year, the Office of the Chancellor will request of Committee Chairs an Annual Report of the activities and recommendations of the Committee.
The Annual Report is a permanent record, and each report is bound as submitted. So that each report in the volume will be consistent in format, each committee Chair is requested to adhere to the following guidelines in preparing the Annual Report.
1. The report should be no longer than ten double-spaced pages,
2. The report should be prepared on 8 1/2" by 11" white ripple bond.
3. The margin should begin 1 1/2 inches from the top of the page; the left-hand margin should be 1 1/2 inches, with a ragged right-hand margin of 1 inch.
4. Copy should be neat, grammatically correct, and free of mechanical errors.
5. Pages should not be numbered; nor should they be stapled.
6. The report should not be signed.
7. A cover page is not necessary. The following information should be shown at the top of the first page of the report:
Jane Q. Doe, Chair
* Academic Discipline
* Academic Freedom and Faculty Responsibility
* Academic Suspension and Dismissal Appeals
* Artist Series
* Buildings, Grounds and Renovations
* Calendar
* Council of Academic Administrators
* External Academic Affairs Committee
* Faculty and Staff Appeals
* Graduate Council
* Health and Safety
* Honors Day
* Instructional Technology
* Intercollegiate Athletics
* International Student Programs
* Lecture Series
* Library Council
* Museums
* Recreational Facilities
* Recruitment, Admissions, Orientation, and Advising
* Research Board
* Retirement and Insurance
* Sabbatical Leave Review Committee
* Student Life
* Tenure and Promotion Appeals
* Tenure and Promotion Review
* Traffic and Parking
* Undergraduate Council
Academic Discipline
The duties and responsibilities of the Academic Discipline Committee are set forth in the University's M Book, Handbook of Standards and Activities. The committee conducts formal hearings on charges of academic dishonesty when a student who has had a penalty imposed against him or her for alleged academic dishonesty appeals that decision. The committee's decision is final unless the penalty assessed involves suspension or dismissal from the University, in which event that part of the penalty is subject to the approval of the Chancellor. The committee has jurisdiction over charges made in the College and Schools of the University other than those on the Medical School campus and those on the Oxford campus that operate under approved honor systems. Faculty representatives on this committee will serve a five-year term.
Representative of the Senate of the Faculty (2-year appointment)
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
President of the Associated Graduate Student Body
Representative of Academic Affairs of the Associated Student Body
Academic Freedom and Faculty Responsibility
One of the primary duties of this committee is to conduct hearings, when such are required in cases involving the dismissal or termination of tenured faculty, the non-renewal of a contract for a non-tenured faculty member when there is a substantial claim that such action violates academic freedom or equal employment rights, or the dismissal of a non-tenured faculty member prior to the expiration of a term appointment. The initial investigation will be conducted by the Tenure/Promotion Appeals Committee. If after that investigation, the faculty member involved requests a full hearing, that hearing will be conducted by the Committee on Academic Freedom and Faculty Responsibility. In addition to its responsibilities as a hearing body, this committee is empowered to initiate and consider matters pertaining to academic freedom and faculty responsibility at The University of Mississippi Oxford campus. This committee is composed of tenured professorial faculty members who are not serving as a department chair and do not hold an administrative rank higher than department chair. The elections for this committee are conducted by and under the auspices of the Senate of the Faculty among the tenured faculty members of the respective units. Individuals may not serve on a Dean's Advisory Committee, the Tenure and Promotion Review Committee, or the Tenure and Promotion Appeals Committee while serving on the Academic Freedom and Faculty Responsibility Committee. Individuals from the same department as the appellant shall recuse themselves from the consideration of that appeal. Procedures for the Academic Freedom and Faculty Responsibility Committee are contained in the Faculty and Staff Handbook.
Faculty Members (elected)
Terms Expire 1999
College of Liberal Arts, Group I
School of Accountancy
School of Education
School of Engineering
Terms Expire 2000
College of Liberal Arts, Group II
School of Business Administration
School of Law
Terms Expire 2001
College of Liberal Arts, Group III
College of Pharmacy
Academic Suspension and Dismissal Appeals
Undergraduate students who fail to maintain satisfactory academic progress and are placed on academic suspension or dismissal may submit an appeal to this committee citing any special or mitigating circumstances they believe should be considered. The committee conducts formal hearings and makes recommendations subject to the approval of the Provost and Chancellor. The committee has jurisdiction over academic suspension and dismissal appeals made in all the College and Schools of the University other than those on the Medical School campus. It does not hear appeals associated with academic discipline. Faculty representatives on this committee will serve a five-year term.
Representative of the Provost/Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Chair (non-voting)
Representative of the Senate of the Faculty (2-year appointment)
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Representative of the Associated Graduate Student Body
Representative of Academic Affairs of the Associated Student Body
Representative of the Dean of Students (non-voting)
Registrar (non-voting)
Artist Series
The Artist Series Committee is charged with the responsibility of administering the Artist Series, a cultural enrichment program for the University supported primarily through student fees. Administering the series includes selection of artists, marketing events, producing events, education and outreach to the community, as well as managerial duties related to contracts, bills, mailings, and grant writing. Due to the nature of programming, this committee may vote to extend the Chair's appointment and vary the annual length of service. The term of this committee is from July through June.
Representative of the Department of Music
(To be selected by the Chair of the Dept. of Music.)
Representative of the Department of Theatre Arts
(To be selected by the Chair of the Dept of Theatre Arts.)
Faculty Representative from Theatre, Dance or Music
Faculty Representative from Theatre, Dance or Music
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Undergraduate Student Representative
Undergraduate Student Representative (preferably from Theatre, Dance or Music)
Graduate Student Representative (preferably from Theatre, Dance or Music)
Representative of the Central Ticket Office (non-voting)
Representative of Student Programming Board (non-voting)
Staff Representative from Public Relations (non-voting)
Buildings, Grounds and Renovations
The Buildings, Grounds and Renovations Committee is charged with making recommendations for maintaining and improving the physical appearance of the Oxford campus. The committee is available to consult with potential donors interested in contributing to the beautification and development of the campus environment. In addition, the committee oversees the Building Mayors Program and works with this group and Environmental Safety in making recommendations for renovations and building improvements.
Representative of the Senate of the Faculty (two-year appointment)
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Staff Member
Staff Member
Undergraduate President of Senior Class
Undergraduate Student Representative of Campus Affairs
Building Mayors Representative
University Architect
Special Assistant to the Chancellor
Director of the Physical Plant
Coordinator of Landscaping
Alumni Representative
Alumni Representative
Calendar Committee
The Calendar Committee is charged with preparing and maintaining a master calendar of both academic and non-academic events on campus. This committee makes recommendations concerning such academic matters as when classes start and finish, exam schedules, and when grades are due in the Registrar's Office. In addition, this committee makes recommendations in scheduling non-academic campus-wide events such as rush, outdoor concerts, events held in the Grove, honors day, convocations, and other major events that effect or may effect a majority of the academic community.
Registrar, Chair (non-voting)
Representative of the Senate of the Faculty (two-year appointment)
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Representative of the Athletic Department
Representative of Student Life
Undergraduate Student Representative
Graduate Student Representative
Representative of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Representative of Public Service and Continuing Studies (non-voting)
Council of Academic Administrators
The Council of Academic Administrators has broad responsibility for all academic activities of the University on all its campuses other than the Medical Center. The Council of Academic Administrators oversees the conduct of on going academic programs; it recommends the establishment of new programs and the terminations of, or changes in, existing programs. It receives copies of minutes and recommendations from the Undergraduate Council, the Graduate Council, and the External Academic Affairs Committee. It receives reports of the Calendar Committee and makes final recommendations to the Chancellor for all academic calendars. It is concerned with the development of the University budget, with research policies and procedures, with University service to the State, and with relationships with other educational institutions and organizations.
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Chair
Dean of the College of Liberal Arts
Dean of the School of Law
Dean of the School of Engineering
Dean of the School of Education
Dean of the School of Pharmacy
Dean of the School of Business Administration
Dean of the School of Accountancy
Dean of the Graduate School
Vice Chancellor for Research
Dean of Libraries
Chair of the Senate of the Faculty
Representative of Academic Affairs of the Associated Student Body
Representative of the Graduate Student Body
Faculty Representative from the Undergraduate Council
Faculty Representative from the Graduate Council
Dean of Public Service and Continuing Studies (non-voting)
Representative from Office of Information Technology (non-voting)
Associate Provost and Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (non-voting)
Registrar (non-voting)
External Academic Affairs Committee
The External Academic Affairs Committee (EAAC) is charged with seeing that all courses (previously approved by Undergraduate Council or Graduate Council) taught at off-campus (non-Oxford) locations maintain the academic standards demanded at the University of Mississippi. Before any off-campus course is offered, a proposal detailing the need/merit and appropriate resources for each offering must be approved by this body. The EAAC also has the broad responsibility of providing advice related to the adequacy of resources for off-campus and distance learning courses and programs offered by the University. This committee is expected to make general recommendations on academic policies and procedures pertinent to off-campus/distance learning programs, correspondence course programs, and to serve as a resource to the Graduate, Undergraduate, and Council of Academic Administrators when new off-campus/distance learning courses and programs are being reviewed or approved. Recommendations from the External Academic Affairs Committee and minutes of its meetings are forwarded to the Chancellor, with copies to the Provost and Council of Academic Administrators.
Faculty Members (elected)
Terms Expire 2000
College of Liberal Arts, Group II
School of Education
School of Law
Terms Expire 2001
College of Liberal Arts, Group III
School of Business Administration
School of Engineering
Terms Expire 2002
College of Liberal Arts, Group I
School of Accountancy
School of Pharmacy
Representative of the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (non-voting)
Representative of the Libraries (non-voting)
Representative of the Center for Public Service and Continuing Studies (non-voting)
Representative of the Registrar (non-voting)
Faculty and Staff Appeals
The Faculty and Staff Appeals Committee shall hear and make final decisions on appeals from faculty and staff members on matters unrelated to tenure, promotion, other academic matters or pay/salary adjustments. This committee will hear appeals from faculty and staff concerning matters such as traffic violations, housing, and bursar bills.
Representative of the Senate of the Faculty (two-year appointment)
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Staff Council Representative
Staff Member
Staff Member
Staff Member
Representative from the University Police Department (non-voting)
Representative from Bursar's Office (non-voting)
Graduate Council
The Graduate Council has broad responsibility for advising on all graduate academic policies and activities of the University on its Oxford campus and satellite campus locations (excluding the University Medical Center). This includes the consideration of new degree programs, formulation and refinement of graduate regulations, consideration of all graduate and Law courses for approval and decisions on petitions from students who are requesting waivers of campus-wide (as opposed to departmental or school) graduate degree requirements. Recommendations from the Graduate Council and minutes of its meetings are forwarded to the Chancellor, with copies to the Provost and Council of Academic Administrators.
Dean of the Graduate School, Chair (non-voting)
Faculty Members (elected)
Terms Expire 2000
College of Liberal Arts, Group I
School of Accountancy
School of Pharmacy
Terms Expire 2001
College of Liberal Arts, Group II
School of Education
School of Law
Terms Expire 2002
College of Liberal Arts, Group III
School of Business Administration
School of Engineering
Graduate Student Representative
Vice Chancellor for Research (non-voting)
Representative of Library (non-voting)
Health and Safety
The Health and Safety Committee has overall University-wide responsibility for safety on the Oxford campus. This committee shall have four subcommittees to handle the technical aspects and details in each subcommittee area. The reports and recommendations of the subcommittees shall be submitted to the full standing committee for review of their campus-wide impact. The four subcommittees include: Biological Safety, Chemical Safety, Occupational Safety, and Radiation Safety. To assure that reports and recommendations of the subcommittees reach the Health and Safety Committee in a timely manner, the subcommittees shall meet in September, December, March, and June while the Health and Safety Committee shall meet in October, January, April, and July.
Director of the Department of Health and Safety, Chair
Vice Chancellor for Research
Representative from the Chemistry Department
Representative of the Senate of the Faculty
Director of Purchasing
Representative from Student Health Services
Director of the Physical Plant
Staff Council Representative
Chair of the Biological Safety Subcommittee
Chair of the Chemical Safety Subcommittee
Chair of the Occupational Safety Subcommittee
Chair of the Radiation Safety Subcommittee
Biological Safety Subcommittee Membership
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Two residents of the Oxford community not affiliated with the University
Biological Safety Coordinator from the Department of Health and Safety
Chemical Safety Subcommittee Membership
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Staff Member
Chemical Safety Coordinator from the Department of Health and Safety
Occupational Safety Subcommittee Membership
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Staff Member
Chief of Police
Physical Plant Representative
Director, Department of Health and Safety (non-voting)
Radiation Safety Subcommittee Membership
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Staff Member
Radiation Safety Coordinator from the Department of Health and Safety
University Attorney (non-voting)
Honors Day
The Honors Day Committee is responsible for promoting recognition of scholarship and honors among University students by arranging for an annual Honors Day Convocation devoted to this purpose. The committee recommends several outstanding speakers for Honors Day, and makes recommendations concerning arrangements for the convocation and luncheon, the printed program, and publicity for the occasion.
Senate of the Faculty Representative (two-year appointment)
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Undergraduate Student Representative
Undergraduate Student Representative
Graduate Student Representative
Representative of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Representative of the Dean of Students
Instructional Technology
The Instructional Technology Committee has broad responsibility for advising on all issues related to the use of instructional technology by Oxford campus faculty. The Instructional Technology Committee may consider issues such as: policies for periodic upgrade of faculty computers and of student computer laboratories; maintenance and establishment of instructional technology training and resources, such as the Faculty Technology Development Center; policies for upgrading classrooms to use instructional technology; and assignment of classes and faculty to classrooms equipped for multimedia.
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Undergraduate Student Representative
Graduate Student Representative
Representative of the Office of Information Technology (non-voting)
Representative of the Office Teleproductions Resource Center (non-voting)
Director of the Faculty Technology Development Center (non-voting)
Intercollegiate Athletics
The Athletic Committee is charged with the responsibility of advising the Chancellor on matters regarding the operation of the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. Membership runs from January to January.
Faculty Member, Chair
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Senate Representative (term expires January 15, 1999)
Faculty Senate Representative (term expires January 15, 2000)
Faculty Senate Representative (term expires January 15, 2001)
Staff Member
Associated Student Body President
Alumni Representative
Alumni President
Alumni Representative
Alumni Representative
University Attorney (non-voting)
International Student Programs
The Committee makes recommendations concerning policies and procedures relating to students from foreign countries. The committee assists with recruitment, selection, and admission of international students; recommends scholarship recipients; helps establish policies relative to language deficiencies, financial emergencies, academic failure, insurance, and repatriation; develops programs of acculturation of the international student to the environment of the University community; and serves as the University's representative with government and private agencies involved in educational exchange.
Director of International Programs, Chair
Representative of the Senate of the Faculty (two-year appointment)
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Study Abroad Advisor
President of the International Students Organization
Director of Admissions
Director of Financial Aid
Undergraduate Student Representative
Graduate Student Representative
Lecture Series
The Lecture Series Committee is charged with the responsibility for administering the University Lecture Series, a program aimed at broadening and enriching the education provided in the classroom by bringing to campus speakers of intellectual distinction. The Office of the Chancellor may provide this committee with names of individuals (e.g. Nobel or Pulitzer Prize recipients) to be considered for the Lecture Series. Chairs may be expected to serve extended terms. Due to the nature of programming, this committee may vote to extend the Chair's appointment and vary the annual length of service. The term of this committee is from July through June.
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Undergraduate Student Representative
Graduate Student Representative
Representative of Student Life
Representative of Student Programming Board
Vice Chancellor of University Advancement
President of ODK
President of Mortar Board
Library Council
The function of the Library Council is to represent the faculty, students, and other interested members of the University community in advising the Chancellor and Dean of Libraries concerning improvements in the operation and effective utilization of the Williams Library and its branches. The structure of this committee encourages the establishment of school- or college-wide library committees whose representatives would serve on this Library Council.
Dean of Libraries, Chair (non-voting)
Representative of the Senate of the Faculty (two-year appointment)
Representative of the College of Liberal Arts, Group I
Representative of the College of Liberal Arts, Group II
Representative of the College of Liberal Arts, Group III
Representative of the School of Accountancy
Representative of the School of Business Administration
Representative of the School of Education
Representative of the School of Engineering
Representative of the School of Law
Representative of the School of Pharmacy
Undergraduate Student Representative
Graduate Student Representative
Faculty Representative served by the Music Library (non-voting)
Faculty Representative served by the Science Library (non-voting)
The function of the Museums Committee is to make recommendations regarding the University Museums' policies and needs and to serve as a liaison between the Museums and the faculty. The committee shall give guidance to the Director of Museums on proposed sales or exchanges of artifacts and similar items that are part of the collections of the University. The committee shall review and recommend revisions in policies and procedures, including long-range planning, conservation and collection management policies, and other activities to benefit Museums operations.
Director of University Museums, Chair
Representative of the Senate of the Faculty (two-year appointment)
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Representative of the Staff Council
Staff Member
Representative of the Art Department
President of the Friends of the Museum
Treasurer of the Friends of the Museum
Undergraduate Student Representative
Graduate Student Representative
Representative for the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement (non-voting)
University Archivist (non-voting)
Recreational Facilities
The Recreational Facilities Committee shall be responsible for formulating policy recommendations pertaining to the use of general-use recreational facilities, including: the Turner Center, all multi-purpose playing fields, the Turner Center outdoor tennis courts, and the Education tennis courts. In addition, this committee hears special and unique requests from campus and non-campus organizations that wish to use the recreational facilities.
Representative of the Senate of the Faculty (two-year appointment)
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Representative of the Staff Council
Staff Member
Staff Member
Representative of the Department of Exercise Science and Leisure Management
Representative of the Athletic Department
Director of Campus Recreation
Undergraduate Student Representative
Undergraduate Student Representative
Graduate Student Representative
Recruitment, Admissions, Orientation, and Advising
This committee shall meet regularly and issue formal reports and recommendations concerning: (1) recruitment policy and procedures; (2) basic orientation policy; and, (3) academic advising policy and procedures. This committee will also provide an annual report concerning the effectiveness of current procedures.
Director of Academic Development (non-voting)
Representative of the Senate of the Faculty (two year appointment)
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Undergraduate Student Representative
Undergraduate Student Representative
Graduate Student Representative
Representative from Admissions Office
Representative of the Graduate School
Representative from Student Life
Representative of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Research Board
The Research Board is charged with the responsibility of creating an atmosphere for the encouragement of research and providing oversight, guidance, and coordination of research activities at the University. Although the board's primary concern is research, its responsibility extends to educational service activities, sponsored programs, and similar activities supported in whole or in part by external funding. More specifically, the board shall develop policies, establish guidelines, and set forth regulations for activities in the areas named above. It shall be responsible for resolving questions in those areas which University policy is not clearly delineated.
Vice Chancellor for Research, Chair (non-voting)
Representative of Campus-Based Research Institute
Representative of Campus-Based Research Institute
Faculty Members (elected)
Terms Expire 2000
College of Liberal Arts, Group III
School of Business Administration
School of Engineering
Terms Expire 2001
College of Liberal Arts, Group I
School of Accountancy
School of Pharmacy
Terms Expire 2002
College of Liberal Arts, Group II
School of Education
School of Law
Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance (non-voting)
Representative from the Library (non-voting)
Dean of the Graduate School (non-voting)
Director of Office of Technology Commercialization and
Business Development (non-voting)
Retirement and Insurance
The duties and responsibilities of the Committee on Retirement and Insurance are to review periodically all insurance, retirement, and fringe benefit coverage on members of the faculty and staff; to evaluate the existing programs; and to make recommendations for new or revised programs when needed.
Representative of the Senate of the Faculty (two-year appointment)
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Staff Council Representative
Staff Member
Staff Member
Staff Member
Holder, Chair of Insurance
Representative from Administrative Computing
Director of Human Resources
Sabbatical Leave Review Committee
The Sabbatical Leave Program is a planned faculty enhancement/development program that provides an individual a concentrated period for full-time scholarly study. Sabbatical leave is intended to improve/expand a faculty member's professional competence and thus his/her value to the University. Sabbatical leaves may be granted for curriculum development, instructional improvement and development, research, writing, and other scholarly activities consistent with disciplinary and career expectations and practices. Initial review of the request for a sabbatical leave is by the chairperson of the respective department, with any review structure in place by that particular department. The request is passed to the dean of the appropriate college to be considered by the dean and any review structure that the college may have. It is passed then to the Sabbatical Leave Review Committee that, upon consideration, makes a recommendation to the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. This committee is composed of tenured faculty members.
Provost or Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Chair (non-voting)
Faculty Members (elected)
Terms Expire 2000
College of Liberal Arts, Group I
School of Accountancy
School of Education
School of Engineering
Terms Expire 2001
College of Liberal Arts, Group II
School of Business Administration
School of Law
Terms Expire 2002
College of Liberal Arts, Group III
School of Pharmacy
Student Life
The purpose of the Student Life committee is to create a single committee with oversight of all student affairs. The committee will act as an advisory board, recommending policy on matters pertaining to student affairs on the campus. Subcommittees of this committee deal with students' concerns regarding publications, multicultural awareness, housing, student refunds, traffic and parking, organizations, and other issues. The committee will hear and respond to general complaints or petitions that are not related to grade appeals or academic discipline. The committee will recommend policies or changes in existing policies relative to refunds and assessment of student fees.
Vice Chancellor of Student Life, Chair (non-voting)
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Senate of the Faculty Representative (two-year appointment)
Senate of the Faculty Representative (two-year appointment)
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Representative from Student Life
Representative from Student Life
President of the Associated Student Body (non-voting)
Tenure and Promotion Appeals
This committee is composed of tenured full professors selected by a vote of tenured faculty members from the respective units. Elections for membership to the committee are conducted by and under the auspices of the Senate of the Faculty. This committee is composed of tenured full professors who are not serving as a department chair and who do not hold an administrative rank higher than department chair. Members may not serve on a Dean's Advisory Committee, the Tenure and Promotion Review Committee, or the Academic Freedom and Faculty Responsibility Committee, while serving on the Tenure and Promotion Appeals Committee. Individuals from the same department as the appellant shall recuse themselves from the consideration of that appeal. Procedures for the Tenure and Promotion Appeals Committee are contained in the Faculty and Staff Handbook.
Faculty Members (elected)
Terms Expire 2000
College of Liberal Arts, Group I
School of Accountancy
School of Education
School of Engineering
Terms Expire 2001
College of Liberal Arts, Group II
School of Business Administration
School of Law
Terms Expire 2002
College of Liberal Arts, Group III
College of Pharmacy
Tenure and Promotion Review
This committee is composed of tenured professorial faculty members. Elections for membership to the committee are conducted by and under the auspices of the Senate of the Faculty among the tenured faculty members of the respective units. This committee is composed of tenured professorial faculty who are not serving as a department chair and who do not hold an administrative rank higher than department chair. Members may not serve on a Dean's Advisory Committee, the Tenure and Promotion Appeals Committee, or the Academic Freedom and Faculty Responsibility Committee, while serving on the Tenure and Promotion Review Committee. Individuals from the same department as the candidate shall recuse themselves. Procedures for the Tenure and Promotion Review Committee are given in the Faculty and Staff Handbook.
Faculty Members (elected)
Terms Expire 2000
College of Liberal Arts, Group III
College of Pharmacy
Terms Expire 2001
College of Liberal Arts, Group I
School of Accountancy
School of Education
School of Engineering
Terms Expire 2002
College of Liberal Arts, Group II
School of Business Administration
School of Law
Traffic and Parking
The committee shall be concerned with traffic safety and planning strategies for the entire campus and shall examine and recommend policies regarding parking, traffic flow, and placement of appropriate traffic/parking signs on campus.
Representative of the Senate of the Faculty (two-year appointment)
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Faculty Member
Representative of the Staff Council
Staff Member
Staff Member
Special Assistant to the Chancellor
Chief of the University Police Department
Representative of Physical Plant Operations
Undergraduate Student Representative
Undergraduate Student Representative
Graduate Student Representative
Undergraduate Council
The Undergraduate Council has broad responsibility for advising on all undergraduate academic policies and activities of the University on its Oxford and satellite campus locations (excluding the University Medical Center). This includes the consideration of new degree programs, formulation and refinement of undergraduate regulations, consideration of undergraduate courses for approval, and decisions on petitions from students who are requesting waivers of campus-wide (as opposed to departmental or school) undergraduate degree requirements. Recommendations from the Undergraduate Council and minutes of its meetings are forwarded to the Chancellor, with copies to the Provost and to the Council of Academic Administrators.
Assoc. Provost or Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Chair (non-voting)
Faculty Members (elected)
Terms Expire 2000
College of Liberal Arts, Group I
School of Accountancy
School of Pharmacy
Terms Expire 2001
College of Liberal Arts, Group II
School of Education
Terms Expire 2002
College of Liberal Arts, Group III
School of Business Administration
School of Engineering
Undergraduate Student Representative
Representative of the Library (non-voting)