Be it resolved that the By-Laws of the University of Mississippi Senate of the Faculty be amended to include the following insertions in bold type under:


Section 8. The Committee on Elections


Section 10. Committees:




 d. The members of the Committee on Elections will conduct elections for the Promotion and Tenure Review Committee [and the Sabbatical Leave Review Committee] (to be completed by October 1), the Promotion and Tenure Appeals Committee (to be completed by November 1), and the Academic Freedom and Faculty Responsibility Committee (to be completed by January 1), in the following manner:


[subparts i. through vi. detail the process of conducting the Fall census, the various stages of the election process from the notice of vacancy to the final ballot, the use of alternates, and election recordkeeping. No changed are indicated in these subparts.]


e. The members of the Committee on Elections will conduct elections for the Senate of the Faculty in the following manner: [sections e. i. … vii deal with census and the process for the election of senators ]


[Here a new paragraph is needed to detail the process for spring committee elections]

 f. The members of the Committee on Elections will also conduct spring elections (to be completed by April 15) using the list of eligible faculty resulting from the spring census for the Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council, Research Board, and External Academic Affairs Committee. These spring semester committee elections will be conducted in the same manner as the fall semester committee elections, described above in paragraph d, iii-viii.



SECTION 20. Committees

 The following standing committees are authorized:

  1. Executive Committee
  2. Committee on Elections

Besides conducting elections to the Senate, the committee also conducts elections to the Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility, the Campus Tenure Review Committee, and Tenure/Promotions Appeals Committee, the Sabbatical Leave Review Committee, Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council, Research Board, and the External Academic Affairs Committee in accordance with any procedures laid down with respect to each of them in the HANDBOOK FOR FACULTY AND STAFF.