June 9, 1995
The meeting was called to order by Chair T.J. Ray at 2:05 on June 9, 1995, in Conner 220.
Present: S Arico, L Bolen, J Bass, C Cunningham, C Eagles, M Eftink, D Frate, F Gilbert, C Gold, M Gorove, B Hackett, T Hall, R Haws, G Hopkins, J Johnson, E Komara, M Landon, G Mahler, P Malone, T Ray, E Sisson, J Stephani, P Sukanek, C Taylor, R Varland, D Williams, C Williford, E Wood
Absent: M Arnold, R Bass, D Bazard, L Bolen, M Boose, R Bowen, A Clark, R Cook, J Harlan, W Leary, R McLaughlin, S Schreiber, J Seydel, G Shelnutt, L Smith, M Smith, W Staton, B Vaaler, A Verlangieri
Prior Notification of Absence Given: C Alexander, P Emerson, A Fisher-Wirth, V Grisham, S Husni, W Jordan, R Klein, V Liberta, J Mizenko
INTRODUCTION OF GUEST SPEAKER: T.J. Ray, Chair, introduced Pete Bone, Ole Miss Athletic Director and former Ole Miss athlete Derek Horne.
Pete Boone opened by presenting the background of Derek Horne as an example of how athletics and academics can work hand in hand. After a successful college sports experience at Ole Miss, Mr. Horne advanced in business with a trucking firm. Pete Boone continued with his philosophy in accepting the position. He stressed his love of Ole Miss. Ole Miss offered him a great education and offered him a great opportunity to succeed in the business world. "I owe Ole Miss an awful lot." Additionally, " What is success?" I feel this offers me a great opportunity to be a success in helping young men and women get a holistic education - athletically, academically , and socially. We owe them that . We need to do these things with a lot of enthusiasm, talent, and energy. He felt he wanted to be a part of this and to meet the challenge currently facing the Athletic Department. "That's why I applied for this job." I'm excited about the opportunities and the challenges. We are just a part of this university, but a part just as important as any other. I want to do my best to blend the Athletic Department in with the University, and let's have a one-tiered approach to make this University the dominant university in the state and the South.
He reviewed plans for the coming year, beginning with the budget deficit. Going to lose about $3 million. Will make it up. Plan to raise about $2 million from the loyalty foundation, up from past giving of about 1.3 million dollars per year. Have contracted to move one game to Memphis to give a $450,000 increase. Looking for a $500,000 improvement in ticket sales. Will only have to increase the budget about $200,000 to $300,000. This year we hope to break even with $500,000 in SEC TV and bowl receipts. These offset NCAA investigation costs ($75,000), ticket revenue decreases ($500,000), and coaching staff changes ($450,000). He feels that the deficit next year will be from zero to $500,000. The following year will get TV money and, with CBS contract, about a $1 million more. Will play Tennessee in Memphis again. We're going to make it fiscally . After we get through these next two years, we will be able to have a strong athletic program. We will be able to be stronger in compliance with gender equity, adding two women's sports - soccer this fall and softball next year.
Soccer will cost us about $200,000 and softball about the same. The good news is that these are equivalency sports. We can spread these scholarships over several people. We may have as many as 50 students on these programs that we wouldn't have all things being the same, thus adding to tuition and the student body. That's our game plan. We're adding to the Coliseum coaching offices. Going to have an indoor tennis and volleyball center. This will also house women's programs. The Michael Starnes construction project, funded by Michael Starnes and Dr. Jerry Hollingsworth, should be completed by the fall.
Mr. Boone then answered questions: (1) regarding a change in estimated TV revenue, just my opinion, the NCAA system disallowing appeals on TV revenues helps prevent the university presidents having to make difficult appeal decisions against one another; (2) regarding recruiting of student athletes, student athlete not an oxymoron. It's compatible. In the past several years have not a done a good job. Over the last five years Ole Miss recruited 25 student athletes. Two years later had one or two. Had made a mistake going the junior college route. Also, signed students who weren't capable of getting in. We are not going to do this. Now have limited scholarships. Can't take a chance on athletes who cannot measure up. I don't think we've done as good a job as we should supporting the student athletes. They have to put in a lot of physical and mental effort. We have to give the best help we can. We need more people, for example tutors, to help them. While some might not agree, he thinks the University should let people in to see if they can make it. He feels that everyone deserves a chance; (3) regarding the perception of many international student athletes representing Ole Miss, many men's tennis members are international students. Still, they bonded together to represent and care for Ole Miss. Feels that the base should be built from Mississippi. Out-of-state students also tend to live elsewhere after graduation and are not as active in attending sports events; (4) regarding recruiting in- as well as out-of-state, didn't recruit as well as could have. Going to do better. Have twice the alumni functions planned. Plan to have 3-4 times the attendance. Will take functions to them, selling the University. Noted that Billy Chadwick had signed Barry Hassel and is now recruiting about 3 other players: (5) regarding negative behavior at sports events, not sure I agree (that behavior more negative than positive) We are on the record about the use of the Rebel flag. Also, in reference to a bottle incident, there was one with one student; (6) regarding handling of the (NCAA) compliance officer position, I consider the compliance officer to be like an auditor. David Wells, the compliance officer, should report to both him and the Chancellor. If he cannot resolve a problem with the Athletic Director's Office, he has an obligation to go to the Chancellor's Office. The budget for Mr. Wells' position would be split between his and the Chancellor's; (7) regarding possible offbudget support of athletics at other universities, he's heard (for example) that Southern's program, comparable in size, operates on about 60% of his budget. It does seem difficult to see how they do it. However, to know for sure would require careful accounting. He cited some costs the Ole Miss Athletic Department bears through food services and the physical plant.
In closing, Mr. Boone stressed that "we may disagree, but the ability to have a healthy exchange is the important thing."
COMMITTEE FOR SESQUICENTENNIAL: Senator Wiebe, Chair, presented a proposal review process. He expressed the view that changes requiring little funding will probably receive the Chancellor's approval and be sent on. Changes requiring substantial funding may require reallocations or budget changes. Two points were raised: (1) will the Faculty Senate Sesquicentennial Committee be part of the process? and (2) a concern about the lack of a process for prioritizing projects. Senator Wiebe responded that we get to Stage 5 (forwarding to Sesquicentennial Planning Committee) you (the Senate) should be consulted. Regarding prioritization, this is a problem. It has been discussed. We are not comfortable with it.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the May meeting were approved with no changes.
INTRODUCTION OF NEW SENATORS: Chair Ray introduced Senators John Coughlin and Peter Sukanek.
OLD BUSINESS: Academic Council - there are some questions regarding paper thickness and design for the catalog.
A question was raised regarding attendance on advisory groups. The Faculty Senate constitution and bylaws state that the Chair of the Senate may attend any advisory group set up by the Chancellor. Thus, why should the Chair be excluded from the Deans' and Administrative Councils? It was suggested that the Governance Committee look into this question.
Chair Ray addressed proposed changes to the bylaws that were previously tabled. After some discussion about the status of the Budget Committee, the proposed changes were continued tabled by hand vote (15 to 7). Proposed changes are attached.
UPDATE ON CHANCELLOR'S SEARCH COMMITTEE: Senator Mahler reported that the search committee met in Jackson. A short list was requested from the Advisory committee. Some changes were made in the purpose of the advisory committee. They were asked to submit a "boiled down" list to the Board. The Board might pick others to add. Senator Mahler noted that the pool of candidates had not grown. He noted that there was a concern that the discussion of an "inside candidate" from the beginning would have a chilling effect that may have caused some good candidates to pull out. Senator Gold asked to what is the "effect" attributed?
Academic Affairs: Applicants screened the week of June 19 for the position of Associate Dean of the Graduate School.
Chair Ray reported for the Classroom Improvements Committee that $209,000 had been spent.
Chair Ray organized the election of committee chairs. He explained that the executive committee would appoint the chair of the Faculty Governance Committee.
Senator Hackett then reviewed the responsibilities of each Faculty Senate committee. The committees then convened and selected chairs as follows: Academic Affairs, M Landon; Academic Support, Senator F.Gilbert; University Services, V. Grisham; and Finance, L Smith.
Senator Hackett then explained that members of each school needed to caucus to select a representative to the Elections Committee. Members of the schools did so and elected the following representatives: Accountancy, still vacant; Business Administration, J Conlon; Education, P Emerson; Engineering, C Cunningham; Law, B Vaaler; Liberal Arts - C Alexander, C Gold, M Landon; Library, E Komara; Pharmacy, D Frate.
Chair Ray adjourned the meeting at approximately 3:50 pm.