Chair, T.J. Ray, called the Faculty Senate to order at 2:05 p.m., April 12, 1996, in Conner 123.
Present: B Banahan,R Bass, L Bolen, J Conlon, C Cunningham, R Dorsey, C Eagles, M Eftink, A Fisher-Wirth, F Gilbert, R Hackett, T Hall, J Harlan, R Haws, G Hopkins, W Jordan, R Klein, E Komara, M Landon, W Leary, V Liberta, P Malone, R McLaughlin, J Payne, T Ray, S Schreiber, E Sisson, L Smith, J Stephani, C Taylor, T Vinson, C Williford, E Wood
Absent: C Alexander, M Arnold, S Arico Dyer, P Emerson D Frate, K George, M Gorove, S Husni W J Johnson Jordan, J Mizenko, R Schroeder, M Smith, D Sullivan-Gonzales,
Prior Notification of Absence Given: R Cook, W Staton, P Sukanek,, B Vaaler, R Varland, A Verlangieri, D Williams
ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE CHAIR: Senator Ray opened the meeting referring to two large gifts to the University - 5.4 million dollars from the Barksdales and another one million dollars from the Adlers. There is a plan to pass news around the campus among faculty using a news group. There will be a showing of videotaped discussions from the "Video Conference on College Teaching" on Monday, April 22 in Lewis Hall, Room 101.
Discussion followed regarding student evaluations of faculty. The administrators are supposed to have access only to the summaries. Also, there is a need to speed the process and deal with courses not currently evaluated. It was felt that this matter should be on the Faculty Senate agenda. Senator Taylor had communicated with administrators and found that some evaluations were returned quickly, others slowly, and yet others had been copied. The concern was raised that the summaries were for administrative review and the comments for feedback to the faculty. Some felt that administrators should not be reading the comments, much less copying them.
Chair Ray reported on the most recent Academic Council meeting. A fair amount of time was
devoted to the weight of the paper for the graduate bulletin. Also, the Deans discussed programs. Dr. Layzell reminded the attendees of a meeting with the Chief Executive Officers with "technology specialists" regarding a system-wide philosophy of technology. There is some grant money in hand, and a faculty team is to have input.
Chair Ray then welcomed the new Faculty Senators.
Academic Support Committee: Senator Gilbert briefly discussed teaching evaluation. The committee has decided to wait until the Vice Chancellor for Student Life and the Provost positions are filled.
Executive Committee: Senator Hackett introduced a resolution (attached) from the Executive Committee on US 101. He acknowledged the need to wait until the Vice Chancellor for Student Life and the Provost were in position and could express their interests in restructuring the course.
The following discussion brought out several points. Some felt that the Executive Committee was superseding the recommendations, from the Committee on General Academic Affairs, for changes to the course. Some felt that the volunteer faculty might think it a "slap in the Face" to have a course canceled that they were willing to teach. A number of faculty felt that the resolution was not aimed at the faculty volunteers or at the committee, but acknowledged that the committee had not been able to take all ramifications into account. It was further felt that the new administrators should have input and that the course should have a "home." The resolution was seconded and passed by hand vote.
Finance Committee: Senator Lewis will report on some developments at the May meeting.
NEW BUSINESS: The May meeting will be followed by a social hour. Regarding the Provost search, there will be an open forum with Dr. Gerald Walton at 3:00 p.m. in Union 405 A and B. Dr. Walton is the only candidate being interviewed at this time. A search is to begin for Dr. Shankle's replacement at the Computer center. Chair Ray had suggested that the new Director have an academic versus OCSR background. The Chancellor felt this would emphasize academic computing.
Chair T.J. Ray adjourned the meeting at approximately 2:58 p.m.