Present: Gilbert, Sisson, Barrios, Beason, Eftink, Johnson, Bomba, Cheek, Cheek, Coles, Dorsey, Fisher-Wirth, Gray, Hall, Komara, Laurenzo, Love, Owens, Ownby, Payne, Prasad, Rodgers, Schreiber, Temple, Walton, Westmoreland, Winkle (27)
Absent (prior notice): Nichols, Wilder, Rayburn, Wilhford, Wakefield, Cook, McLaughlin, Haws, Johnson JK, Reidy, Schroeder, Conlon,
Absent (no prior nofice): Malone, Holmes, Sukanek, Vaaler, Stefani, Banahan, Schlenk, Wyandt, Gispen, Graves, Hopkins, Marshall, Staton, Wilson, Ray
Absent (admin error): Cunningham( 28) As 1 resignation received on June 14, no possibility of notifying alternate, and 1 not notified, Senate=54
Informal Meeting of the Senate
Gilbert declared the meeting an informal gathering of the Senate, consistent with modern traditions according to Robert's Rules. No prior minutes to approve as Clint is out of town.
Chair's report of activities: The results of the Straw Poll of the Senate were distributed, intended to serve as an input for discussion in committees. To date, individual representatives for the Senate on ad hoc committees: Laurenzo (Honors Program); Haws, Conlon (Natl. Food Services Dir.); Hall (Consulting Policy); and Dorsey (Overhead Policy)
The Committee on Committees: John Johnson, Chair, submitted the recommendation for faculty membership to the University Standing Committees for the 1996-97 year. Accepted by acclimation. Eftink reminded to reaffirm when a quorum is present. With ballots provided by the Deans (two faculty per school), Senators elected the Readmission Appeals Committee. [ballots counted by Sisson, Prasad; results to Posey] Incorrectly [as Eftink suggested], the Senate elected the Chair's representative to the UPC- voided. The Chairs are nominating and electing by ballot, ballots to be mailed June 28.
Recess of the Informal Senate Meeting: to allow committee meetings to initially read questions, elect a chair/recorder, and elect representatives to the University Standing Committees
Old Business: none reported other than a request to review the Standing Committees which is referred to committee, no motions pending
New Business: Committee Chairs, 96-97 Maurice Eftink, Academic Affairs; John Johnson, Academic Support; Phil Malone, Finance; Billy Barrios, University Services; Kim Beason, Faculty Governance.
Announcement of Summer Intentions: In July, committee meetings will predominate. Continued discussion of issues, response to questions. ]
No August meeting: of the Senate is planned (it would have been the week before registration, no classes in session, no meeting), but committees will probably gather toward the end of August. Adjournment was by acclimation (the chair forgot to ask for ayes and nays, I apologize).
School Caucuses: occurred after adjournment to fill vacancies on the Committee on Committees and the Elections Committee of the Senate.