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Minutes of the Meeting of the Faculty of the Senate,

November 8, 1996

Senator Sisson called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. in Conner 123.


Ben Banahan, Billy Barrios, Kim Beason, Anne Bomba, Don Cheek, Sumali Conlon, Robert Cook, H.C. Cunningham, Carol Dale, Tim Hall, Fred Laurenzo, Phil Malone,Tom Marshall, R. McLaughlin, Marilyn Mendolia, Ted Ownby, James Payne, Shyam Prasad, T.J. Ray, Bill Rayburn, Daniel Schlenk, Sharon Schreiber, Ed Sisson, Ed Sisson, JoAnn Stefani, Paula Temple, Kirk Wakefield, Julie Walton, R. Westmoreland, Mark Wilder, Clint Williford, John Winkle


Jean Cheek, Bob Dorsey, David Graves, Sophia Gray, Robert Haws, Stacy Holmes, John Johnson, Jay K. Johnson, Edward Komara, Fannye Love, Dave Nichols, Harry Owens, Jim Reidy, Stacy Rodgers, Natalie Schroeder, William Scott, Warren Steel, Bryn Vaaler, Christy Wyandt

Prior Notification of Absence Given:

Felice Coles, Maurice Eftink, Ann Fisher-Wirth, Faye Gilbert, Glenn Hopkins, Peter Sukanek

PRESENTATION ON THE UNITED WAY: Bonnie Brown and Thelma Curry discussed the University's United Way campaign. They pointed out numerous organizations that benefit from United way giving. These include the Boy and Girl Scouts, the Leapfrog program, the Domestic Violence Shelter, the Rape Crisis Center, the Red Cross, and senior citizen programs. One third of the people in Lafayette County benefit. Faculty can contribute through payroll deduction and are urged to consider a "fair share" gift of one hour's pay per month. We are having a competition with Whirlpool. The goal this year is $65,000.

OLD BUSINESS: The October minutes were approved (with corrections).

NEW BUSINESS: Three search committee appointments were announced: David Graves - Search for the Assistant Director of the Natural Products Lab; Daniel Schlenk - Search for the Chair of Pharmacognosy; and Jean Cheek - Child Care Committee.

The standing and ad hoc committee membership lists are now on web pages. Also, the University Foundation financial information is now on a web page. Chair Gilbert attended a Foundation meeting regarding the Sesquicentennial. Brian Reithel and Gloria Kellum will be invited to the Faculty Senate meeting in January to discuss Sesquicentennial Campaign priorities. Chair Gilbert and Buster Clark will meet with the Chancellor regarding the Dependents' Scholarship.

There will be no December meeting. The next Faculty Senate meeting will be January 10, 1997.

A motion for an optional 12-month pay plan for 9-month faculty was presented. This passed on a voice vote.

SEARCH COMMITTEE REPORTS: Senator Cook reported that an advertisement will be placed, within a few days, for the position of Associate Vice Chancellor of Information Technology.

Senator Sisson adjourned the meeting at 2:21 p.m.