The Senate of the Faculty met in Room 106 of the Law School.
Present: D. Adler, J. Aubrey, T. Bates, A. Bomba, J. Bradley, G. Buskes, J. Cassidy, D. Feller, A. Fisher-Wirth, P. Goggans, R. Gordon, D. Graves, K. Green, V. Grisham, F. Gu, L. Harper, R. Klein, F. Laurenzo, K. McKee, L. McLary, J. S. Payne, T. J. Ray, J. Reidy , J. Rimoldi, E. Sisson, S. Skemp, M. Slattery, L. Smith, W. Staton, K. Sufka, D. Sullivan-Gonzalez, C. Taylor, M. Tew, M. Vinson, Jay Watson, John Watson, R. Westmoreland, J. Williamson, C. Williford
Absent: L. M. Baggett (1), J. Bass (1), L. Blenman* (P), S. Conlon (1), R. Dorsey (1), A. Elsherbeni* (P), L. Hanshaw* (P), S. Hargrove (1), R. Haws (1), G. Hopkins (1), L. Kravitz (1), J. Mizenko (1), J. Murray (1), M. Overby* (P), L. Pittman (1), K. Raber (1), W. Rayburn (1), H. Sloan (1), M. Van Boening (1)
* = Prior Notification of Absence Given, (x) = number of absences this session
The meeting began at 2:08
The minutes of the April meeting were accepted after minor corrections (Moved, Reidy; 2d, Graves).
Chair Karen Green reported that the presentation that she and Senator Williamson gave to the University Planning Council regarding the Office of Research was well received. She had received a letter from the Chancellor commending the senate on its work and supporting the proposal. The timing is a challenge with a current search for a Dean of Liberal Arts and a search for a Provost to be conducted next year. The Chancellor believes that the new Provost should have a hand in selecting the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies. In other developments, "hard money" from the E and G budget has been allocated for the operation of the Office of Research. Until the budgeted amount is recovered, 45% of indirect costs will go to the administration, with 55% divided among the researcher, his or her department, and the appropriate dean. After the budgeted amount is recovered, 75% of the 45% will go to the Office of Research. Senator Reidy pointed out that the source of matching funds is not clear.
Senator Slattery reported on the continuing work regarding reorganization of the university's standing committees. Work will continue through the summer and comments and suggestions are invited.
Chair Green briefly summarized some of the issues that she believes will continue to be important in the coming year: the Faculty Center, the copyright policy, and university hiring practices.
Karen Green was elected by acclamation to serve as a faculty representative to the University Planning Council (moved, Taylor; 2d, Adler).
John Williamson was elected by acclamation to serve as Chair of the senate (moved, Ray; 2d, Bradley).
Mark Tew was elected by acclamation to serve as Vice Chair of the senate (moved, Taylor; 2d, Bomba).
Laura Harper was elected by acclamation to serve as Secretary of the senate (moved, Ray; 2d, Graves).
The standing committees caucused and elected Chairs: General Academic Affairs, Laurenzo; Academic Support, Mizenko; Faculty Governance, Ray; Finance, Smith; University Services, Slattery. The schools caucused and elected members of the
Committee on Committees and Elections Committee.The meeting was adjourned at 3:06. The next meeting will be held June 12, 1998.