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  The Senate of the Faculty met in the Natural Products Building, Room 1044.

 Present: T. Bates (P), A. Bomba (PP), J. Bradley (PP), J. Cassidy (PPP), W. Cleland, V. Frierson-Adams (P), P. Goggans (1P), R. Klein (P), F.Laurenzo, K. McKee (1), J. Mizenko (1PPPPP), T. J. Ray (PP), J. Reidy (1PPP), C. Taylor, M. Tew (P), John Watson (1PP), R. Westmoreland (1PPP), J. Williamson.

Absent: D. Adler (2P), J. Aubrey* (PPPP), M.L. Baggett (3P), G. Buskes (1PP), B. Choinski* (P), S. Conlon (3P), M. Deighton (1PPP), R. Dorsey (9), A. Elsherbeni (1PP), C. Esposito (1), R. Ethridge (1P), D. Feller (1PP), A. Fisher-Wirth* (1PPPP), R. Gordon (5), D. Graves* (1P), K. Green (2PPP), L. Hanshaw (4P), S. Hargrove* (3PPP), L. Harper* (P), Haws (8 P), L. Kravitz* (1PPP), T. McCarty (3), L. McLary* (1PPPP), J. Murray (9), M. Overby* (1PPP), A. Paterson* (2PPP), J. S. Payne (3P), L. Pittman (5), K. Raber* (1PPP), W. Rayburn (9), J. Rimoldi* (P), E. Sisson* (3PPPPP), M. Slattery* (PPPPP), H. Sloan* (8P), L. Smith (3PP), K. Sufka* (PP), M. Van Boening (5P), M. Vinson *(PPP), Jay Watson* (PP), C. Williford (4).

*= Prior notification of absence given for this meeting; (x) = number of absences this session, excluding summer meetings; (P)=number of prior notifications given this session, excluding summer meetings.

Chair Williamson discussed the proposed changes to the university Standing Committees (http://www.olemiss.edu/research/williamson/SCFHTML.html). The proposed changes were adopted (M, Bradley; S, Goggans).

Senators from both the 1998-1999 and 1999-2000 senates are invited to a reception at Memory House from 7 - 9 PM on Wednesday, April 28.

The minutes from the March meeting were accepted (M, Bradley; S, Taylor).

Maurice Eftink, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, reported the results from the SACS visit. UM must implement 18 recommendations by September 1. Areas include core curriculum and evaluation, external programs, and differences between the graduate and undergraduate curriculum. He asked the senate to work in responding to recommendations regarding the role of the faculty in university committees.

Chair Williamson introduced Johnny Williams, the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, and Carolyn Staton, who has been selected to become the Provost. Dr. Staton stated that she wanted to visit with the faculty across campus and will visit departments and schools in the Fall. She intends to set up luncheon meetings with small groups of faculty. Two items that are high in her priorities are establishing a faculty development program and bringing faculty into the Provost's office. She believes that a review and enhancement of academic programs is in order so that there can be collective decision-making regarding the steps necessary to become a great public university. Vice Chancellor Williams noted that in his career he had spent 7 years as a faculty member and 15 years in administration. He believe that the emphasis should be as a service organization and not as an enforcement organization.

 The floor was opened for questions.

Q: What makes a great public university? CES: Great students, talented students; talented faculty; rewards for talented faculty; a great university rewards its students; quality research and scholarship; exceptional teaching; a large endowment; a faculty that is known nationwide; respectable athletics; one that is not a suitcase university; high quality residential life. A senator added facilities and resources, including course loads that allow time to think. Professor Eftink added a great graduate program.

CES: I'm very interested in a 5-year appointment for chairs and deans, with the possibility of renewal for one (and only one) more term. This will provide opportunities for faculty to learn and demonstrate skills. It also works to avoid a them/us mentality between administration and faculty. This is something to be discussed as a community.

Q: What's up for next year? ME: Program review of graduate programs. CES: looking at the first two years of a college education with particular attention to a freshman seminar, the Leadership Institute, and interdisciplinary education. JW: Establishing a rotating fund for startup monies for new faculty.

The senate discussed the funding situation for the Office of Research.

The funding for operating costs is level this year from the state legislature. The IHL and legislature have approved a 7-1/2% salary raise pool. JW is committed to raising faculty and staff salaries.

Q: Will the planning process change? JW: Yes. My background is from institutions where planning is an important component.

There was a discussion of the use of lapsed salary funds.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.


 Approved by the Senate April 29, 1999.