Chair Laurenzo declared a quorum and called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.
Present: J. Aubrey, B. Avery, B. Barkdoll, T. Bates, A. Bomba, J. Bradley, J. Cassidy, W. Cleland, C. Eagles, D. Feller, V. Frierson-Adams, D. Graves, S. Hargrove, L. Harper, F. Laurenzo, J. Martin, K. McKee, P. Malone, C. Mullen, M. Overby, E. Payne, J. F. Payne, T. Ray, J. Rimoldi, K. Sabol, R. Schroeder, M. Slattery, L. Smith, M. Tew, J. Williamson
Absent: J. Atkins, M. Baggett, B. Barrios, L. Bush, G. Buskes, A. Canty, R. Dale, M. Deighton, R. Ethridge, P. Goggans, L. Hanshaw, S. Husni, W. Mayer, T. McCarty, J. Murray, J. Parcher, J. S. Payne, L. Pittman, K. Raber, W. Rayburn, *J. Reidy, H. Sloan, C. Taylor, C. Walker, Jay Watson, J. Watson, R. Westmoreland, *C. Williford
Guest: Conrad Cunningham, AAUP
1. Announcements
The chair announced that a meeting had been held of local physicians, representatives of the AHS, and the Office of Insurance (and perhaps some legislators). He had the impression that some progress had been made but did not have details.
2. New Business
A. Representing the Finance Committee, Phil Malone introduced a resolution pertaining to the manner in which the University compares us with other institutions. Currently the basis of comparison is salary. The Finance Committee feels that we should be compared on the basis of the total compensation package, which is deteriorating. Malone moved the resolution as a motion, and J. Martin seconded. After some discussion, the motion passed without dissent.
Resolution from the Finance Committee: The Senate of the Faculty recommends that the University of Mississippi use compensation as its primary measure of remuneration to faculty and staff. A compensation figure not only represents a truer measure of cost to the University but also better reflects the total benefits received by employees than salary
alone. It is recommended that the University attempt to convince the IHL Board to employ a compensation measure for purposes of relative comparison with other universities and for presentations to the legislature.
B. The Finance Committee also made a recommendation relative to the health care concerns the faculty share. The resolution would involve inviting our legislative representatives to meet with the Senate and members of the Staff Council to discuss our insurance concerns. D. Graves seconded the motion. After some discussion concerning timing and the specification of parties to be invited, the motion was altered as noted below and passed without dissent.
Resolution from the Finance Committee: The Senate of the Faculty request that Gray Tollison and Jay Eads address the issue of health insurance for State of Mississippi employees at its January meeting and that members of the Staff Council and representatives of local public schools also be invited to attend and participate in the discussion and question and answer session.
Resolution adopted by the Senate: The Executive Committee of the Senate will invite local representaives of the state legislature to address the issue of health insurance for State of Mississippi employees at a meeting in late January or early February and to invite all local participants in the state health plan.
C, Representing the Senate Executive Committe, Mark Tew presented a resolution expressing thanks to Chancellor Khayat for his efforts on our behalf in the current health debate. John Williamson seconded, and the motion passed without dissent.
Resolution: The Senate of the Faculty expresses sincere thanks to Chancellor Robert Khayat for his efforts to ensure adequate health care for the employees of the University of Mississippi and their families.
D. Representing the University Services Committee, Ron Schroeder moved a resolution pertaining to the scheduling of fraternity and sorority rush. Mark Tew seconded.
After a lively discussion of rush and faculty concerns about it, the question was called and the motion was accepted without dissent.
Resolution from the University Services Committee: The Senate of the Faculty recommends that beginning with the 2001-2002 academic year and continuing every year thereafter, the university Administration schedule all formal activities for fraternity-sorority recruitment ("Rush") prior to the first day of classes at the beginning of the spring semester (January); and the Senate further recommends that the offices of the Vice Chancellor for Student Life and the Dean of Students, working with appropriate student leaders and other interested parties (which may include faculty and alumni/alumnae), create and enforce a set of rules for fraternity-sorority recruitment that ensures the fairness of the process and protects the academic interests of everyone in the university community.
E. On behalf of the General Academic Affairs Committee, Marvin Overby introduced a draft of a statement concerning post-tenure review. The document was introduced only for discussion purposes. [The draft may be found on the Senate web page under Minutes of Previous Meetings. Proposed alteration of the document resulting from the December meeting of the Senate will be posted to the web and e-mailed to members prior to the January meeting.]
The University chapter of the AAUP has arranged for Professor Dell Davis, who prepared the post-tenure review system for the University of Georgia, to participate in a forum on post-tenure review on January 20, 2000. The Faculty of the Senate has been asked to participate in that event.
The meeting adjourned at 4:45 PM.