Minutes of the Faculty of the Senate
May 4, 2000
Chair Laurenzo called the meeting to order with a quorum at 4:36 PM.
Present: J. Cassidy, B. Robinson, D. Rock, T. Bates, L. Tyler, M. Tew, WW. Chen, C. Cunningham, D. Wilkins, B. Barkdoll, L. Pittman, J. Bradley, L. Bush, L. Harper, A. Mark, S. Davis, G. Miller, I. Labuda, T. Marshall, J. Reid, J. Watson, J. Aubrey, K. McKee, J. Atkins, R. Schroeder, A. Cooper, K. Dellinger, R. Haws, C. Ross, C. Eagles, E. Payne, K. Sabol, D. Nagle, J. Williamson, F. Laurenzo
Absent: C. Taylor, L. Smith, J. Martin, P. Malone, A. Canty, P. Cooker, D. Chessman, L. Hanshaw, C. Mullen, B. Choinski, W. Cleland, G. Schirmer, A. Ajootian, R. Riggs, W. Steel, M. Danahy, R. Ethridge, J. Payne, M. Kolassa, B. Avery
1.On April 27, 2001, there will be a special celebration with a ceremony dedicated to academics and the Lyceum will be rededicated and formally opened. There will be other buildings completed by that time and also formally dedication. The committee has already been formed. Guth Abbott from the Law School is heading faculty planning. A coordinator from each school has either been appointed or will be appointed. Please put on your 2001 calendar.
2. The secretary stated April minutes should have read, " Bradley moved that section 13 of the Constitution be amended to say that quorums will be set by senate bylaws." With that correction the secretary moved and Tew seconded a motion to approve April minutes. Passed without dissent.
Old Business
1. The Senate recommended that rush be moved to the period before the spring semester. The Administration is considering a fall date in September as suggested by the students. It was suggested that rush be combined with fall break. The Administrative Vice Chancellor has accepted the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs suggestion that rush be scheduled Oct. 19-20 the weekend after fall break.
There was discussion that the best date for rush might be in the spring semester due to academics, but that the impression was that the administration feels it needs more time to consider moving it to spring and that they could not make that decision at this time. The issue is still under consideration for another year.
2. A plan has been formally approved stating that each campus will have a post tenure review policy, and it will be filed with the commissioner of higher education. Each campus can develop its own plan, and each campus will have a policy of annually reviewing faculty. The Senate will have an opportunity to amend the plan.
3. The Governance Committee has been working on a new policy for hiring and search committees.
Academic Affairs has been reviewing suggested changes that came out of a task force looking at tenure and promotion guidelines. That document needs to be moved from academic affairs as quickly as possible.
4. The Academic Support Committee has been working on a plan for the use of George Street University House. The faculty was promised this when Croft moves out. Croft is due to move out this summer. We have to do something with it or give it up to the Provost.
New Business
1. Due to the fact that IHL meets the third week in July, and the fact that the faculty was not consulted, many in the Senate felt that the it is premature to go before the IHL at this time with a proposal for a New School and that it would be beneficial to delay presentation to IHL until February 2001. After discussion of the new school, Senator Schroeder proposed that the rules be suspended; seconded by Senator Bradley, and it passed without dissent. Senator Schroeder then introduced the following resolution:
The Senate recommends to the Chancellor that the recommendation for a new school not be sent forward prior to February 1, 2001, to allow for complete consultation with the Senate of the Faculty in the spirit of the 1999 statement of governance of academic affairs submitted to SACS and agreed to by the administration and the Senate of the Faculty.
Senator Bradley asked that the following sentence be added to the resolution and Senator Schroeder agreed:
Long term financial effects and other effects on the academic program must be considered as part of this consultation.
Senator Bradley seconded the motion, and it passed without dissent.
2. Elections:
President: Mark Tew Motion by J. Williams; T.S. Second; Move nomination cease; Passed without dissent
Vice Chairman: Karen Raber Motion by J. Williams; Bradley Second; Passed without dissent
Secretary: Judith Cassidy Motion by J. Williams; Bradley Second; Passed without dissent
The meeting was concluded at 5:55 PM.