Minutes of the Faculty Senate
December, 2000
Meeting called to order with a quorum at 7 PM.
The Search Committee had no report.
Mark met with Provost to discuss what was happening with the George Street University House. Y Building is essentially complete. The Croft Institute will move to the Y Building. Study Abroad will stay at the University House and will be joined by the Summer Study program. First floor of the Y Building will be used by Sarah Isom Center. Gloria Kellum's Group will get the former Sarah Isom Center space. Faulty Senate office will be located in Vardaman.
New School proposal has been passed by Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council, External Academic Affairs Council, Research Board, and Council of Academic Administrators. The proposal will go before the IHL Board at the February meeting. Name of college will change.
Fields of the new college include: Exercise and Leisure Management, Family and Consumer Science, Court Reporting, Communitive Disorders, and Social Work
Old Business
Request for students on Standing Committee.
Presentation by ASB on request to be on Artist Series, Lecture Series, Recreation Facilities. Discussion presented by Martin from Resolution and Academic Support Committee. Seconded by Taylor. Passed without dissent.
New Business
Martin moved to approve November minutes. Seconded by Reid. Passed with no dissent.
Motion by Martin on Graduate Council. Has been approved by Eftink. Change allows all professorial faculty to vote for members of the Graduate Council, but membership is limited to members of the Graduate Faculty. Seconded by Steel. Motion passed without dissent.
Motion creating a Title IX Compliance Review Committee presented by Jeannette. Discussion on requirement for compliance of Title IX. Final report on the study is due on January 1. Motion passed without dissent.
Motion on change in Post-Tenure Review Policy presented by Haws. Motion passed without dissent after discussion.
We received 50 responses student attendance prior to Fall Break. Faculty report that there were more absences on Thursday than on Wednesday. The Provost has requested from faculty reports about attendance prior to the Thanksgiving break.