Minutes of the Faculty Senate
March 15, 2001 Extraordinary Meeting
Meeting called to order with a quorum at 7 PM
Present: M. Aiken, A. Ajootian, B. Barkdoll, L. Bombelli, J. Bradley, L. Bush, W. Y. Chen, D. Chessen A. Cooper, C. Cunningham, C. Eagles, R. Ethridge, J. Ford, L. Foulkes-Levy, G. Herrera, I. Labuda, F. Laurenzo, K. McKee, P. Malone, A. Mark, J. Martin, D. Nagal, R. Oliphant-Ingham, J. Reid, R. Robinson, C. Taylor, M. Tew, D. Wilkins, M. Zarzeski
Absent: W. Cleland, *P. Cooker, *J. Czarnetzky, S. Davis,
K. Dellinger, *A. Fisher-Wirth, H. Gaycken, R. Haws, E. M. Kolassa,
G. Miller, R. Riggs, D. Rock, C. Ross, *W. Steel, *K. Swinden,
*T. Verlangieri, S. Wolcott
*Prior notification
I. Reports and Announcement
A. Report from the Chair: Mardi Gras (02/27/01) events sponsored
by the University Faculty Senates Association (UFSA). Legislative
luncheon and rally on state capitol steps; well attended by legislators
and by faculty from around the State. For a copy of the Position
Statement presented on behalf of the UFSA, see: association.html
B. Presentation by representatives of the Mississippi Association
of Educators (MAE) regarding a proposal for a Mississippi faculty
Ward Symons, Executive Director of MAE.
Pat Smith, History Faculty, USM.
Danny Golding of MAE liaison to higher education.
II. Old Business:
A. The minutes of the February 8, 2001 meeting were approved.
B. Appointments
Chancellor has approved the Senate's recommendations for the
additions of Aileen Ajootian, Susan Glisson, Jeffrey Jackson and
D'Andra Orey to serve on the Sensitivity and Respect Committee.
B. Report from the Academic Support Committee on proposal to create a Fall Break during Thanksgiving week. Handout of survey and survey results from committee chair J. Martin.
C. Motion to suspend the rules to further discuss the issue of a shortened semester made by Senator J. Bradley; seconded by Charles Eagles. A hand count was taken: 28 Yea:0 Nay
III. New Business
A. School of Applied Sciences and Professional Studies: changes
to Faculty Senate Positions, Graduate & Undergraduate Council
and standing committees assigned to Elections Committee, John
Bradley, chair & Mark Tew for disposition.
B. Motion to suspend the rules to discuss three resolutions be introduced and voted on at the April meeting of the Senate, re: the new school of Applied Sciences and Professional Studies. Motion made by Senator M. Tew; seconded by Senator Laurenzo. A hand count was taken: 28 Yea:0 Nay. Resolutions by Senator Tew:
i. Resolution 1
Resolution to amend the description of university standing committees
to be published in 2001 as follows:
to the descriptions of the Academic Freedom and Faculty Responsibility Committee, External Academic Affairs Committee, Graduate Council, Research Board, Sabbatical Leave Review Committee, Tenure and Promotion Appeals Committee, Tenure and Promotion Review Committee, and Undergraduate Council
add under
"Terms Expire September 2004"
School of Applied Sciences and Professional Studies
ii. Resolution 2
Amend section 2 of the Constitution as follows:
Section 2. The membership quota of the Senate of the Faculty shall consist of one senator each from the College of Liberal Arts, the School of Accountancy, the School of Applied Sciences and Professional Studies, the School of Business Administration, the School of Education, the School of Engineering, the School of Law, the School of Pharmacy, and the faculty of the University Libraries, plus one additional senator for every twelve members of the Eligible Faculty in each of the above listed voting units. Within the College of Liberal Arts, elections shall be carried out in three different units, with eligible candidates and eligible voters limited to their respective group: Liberal Arts Group 1 consists of faculty from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Philosophy and Religion, Physics and Astronomy, and the ROTC programs; Liberal Arts Group 2 consists of faculty from Art, Classics, English, Journalism, Modern Languages, Music, and Theater Arts; Liberal Arts Group 3 consists of faculty from Communicative Disorders, History, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, and Sociology and Anthropology. If the process of dividing twelve into the number of Eligible Faculty in a unit results in a remainder of seven or more, that unit shall be entitled to one additional senator in its quota. Only faculty members who meet the criteria for Eligible Faculty shall have the right to vote in Senate elections.
Amend Section 8 of the Constitution as follows:
Section 8. A Committee on Elections shall be responsible for allocating Senate of the Faculty representation and for conducting nominations and elections. The committee shall consist of three Senate members from the College of Liberal Arts and one from each of the following: the School of Accountancy, the School of Applied Sciences and Professional Studies, the School of Business Administration, the School of Education, the School of Engineering, the School of Law, the School of Pharmacy, and the faculty of the University Libraries. Each member of the committee will be elected by the senators representing their respective school, college, or library. Each member of this committee shall be responsible for reviewing the list of the Eligible Faculty in each unit of their respective Schools, College, or Library provided by the Provost. This committee will elect its chairman.
iii. Resolution 3
A special election will be held in April 2001. At this election,
faculty from the School of Applied Sciences and Professional Studies
will elect:
1) members and alternates to serve 3-year terms on the Academic Freedom and Faculty Responsibility Committee, External Academic Affairs Committee, Graduate Council, Research Board, Sabbatical Leave Review Committee, Tenure and Promotion Appeals Committee, Tenure and Promotion Review Committee, and Undergraduate Council.
2) members of the Senate of the Faculty. The number of senators elected will be determined by the formula given in the Constitution. At this election, faculty will be ranked in order of the number of votes received. Senators receiving the most votes (up to one-half the total of the number of senators elected) will be elected for two-year terms, the remaining senators will serve one-year terms.
The Elections Committee of the Senate of the Faculty will appoint a faculty member from within the School of Applied Sciences and Professional Studies to conduct this election.Any member of the Senate of the Faculty or of an elected Standing Committee who was elected from the College of Liberal Arts, the School of Education, or the School of Law, but who is now a member of the School of Applied Sciences and Professional Studies will be removed from (or will not assume) that position. A special election will be held in April 2001 to fill the positions, if any, that result from such removal. In the case of the Senate of the Faculty, a new census of the faculty that remain within that unit will be conducted to determine whether or not an election is required.
C. Liberal Arts Dean's proposal to shorten semesters by approximately two weeks: Assigned to Academic Support Committee.
D. Resolution from the Executive Committee: "The Faculty Senate of the University of Mississippi endorses the proposed new state flag design and urges the members of the University community to vote for it in the April 17, 2001 referendum."
Text of the Resignation of Senator
Robert K. Robinson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Management
"In taking a side in this very contentious issue, the Senate
is openly declaring that one view is meritorious and not subject
to challenge. Had this resolution been drafted in support of the
current flag, you [the members of the Senate] would have recognized
it as unwarranted political ideology. You would have rightly concluded
that the Senate had overstepped its bounds.
But since the resolution is compatible with your own political
views on the subject, you ignore its strictly ideological nature.
I encouraged you to take no stand -one way or the other- and remain
neutral on this matter. Afterall, the state has already afforded
each and everyone of us the opportunity to express his or her
view on this matter at the polls on April 17. As individual faculty
members we have the right to hold and express our own opinions
on this matter. But we do not, in my opinion, have the right to
use this body as a vehicle to impose those opinions on the university
community and outside constituencies. By this resolution, the
Senate has declared support for the new flag to hereafter be the
politically correct view of this institution. I cannot, in good
conscious, continue to serve as a member of a body which so recklessly
and capriciously disregards its duty to safeguard freedom of thought.
By failing in this duty, this body makes itself irrelevant. I,
therefore, resign my position as a Senator for the Faculty of
the School of Business Administration, and take my leave of you."
E. Faculty Senate meeting
schedule for the balance of the Spring 2001 semester was announced.
April 12: Law Center, Room 107
May 10: Conner Hall, Room 212
Meeting officially adjourned at 8:25 PM.