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Minutes of the Meeting of the Senate of the Faculty
Wednesday, December 5, 2001, 7:00 p.m., Room 211, Conner Hall

Meeting called to order with a quorum at 7 p.m.

Present: M. Aiken, B. Alidaee, B. Barkdoll, J. Bradley, L. Bush, W. Y. Chen, A. Cooper, C. Cunningham, K. Dellinger, C. Eagles, R. Elam, A. Fisher-Wirth, J. Ford, R. Haws, F. Laurenzo, A. Mark, J. Martin, D. Nagal, R. Oliphant-Ingham, H. Reynolds, J. Schetz, W. Steel, K. Swinden, M. Tew, D. Wilkins, M. Zarzeski

Senators-Elect Present: E. Acevedo, D. Adler, N. Bercaw, C. Brower, L. Cozad, A. Kishk, K. Knight, C. Ochs, M. Overby, B. Smothers, K. Sufka, C. West, N. Wiggers, J. Zjawiony

Absent: A. Ajootian, L. Bombelli*, D. Chessin, W. Cleland, P. Cooker, J. Czarnetzky*, S. Davis, R. Ethridge, G. Herrera*, I. Labuda, K. McKee, P. Malone, J. Reid, R. Riggs, D. Rock*, T. Verlangieri, S. Wolcott
*Prior notification

I. Annual Address of the Chancellor
Larry Bush has given "20 years of wonderful service in the Law School. Thank you."
B. High points over last 6 years: built up and stabilized enrollment; enhanced the teaching and learning environment; increased Library and technology support; increased faculty/staff salaries.
C. Private support has continued to grow: 3 new, unannounced major commitments have been made recently totaling $15-16 million dollars; Ole Miss First is one attempt to raise funds for scholarships in order to free up the general funds for salaries and operations.
D. Challenges: to maintain our focus and to not allow the negative economic news effect our attitude; to maintain a stable enrollment; to increase average ACT scores; to increase regional and racial diversity (currently 12.5% of MS population); to improve our efficiencies, including: utility costs, meeting the support needs of the campus, reducing the number of staff and to increasing the number of faculty.
E. Vice Chancellor of research Alice Clark is continuing to expand fund raising; last year $73 million dollars was raised.
F. State budget situation is challenging. Budget reductions started in July 2001 with a $2 million dollars cut. We were told to reserve 5% in case of a reduction, which we did, so the cut did not affect us. Now, total reduction is up to $9 million for this fiscal year (began July 1, 2001) the cuts could go up to $14.9 million.

Question and Answer
What happened to the shortened semester?
A: Is lost somewhere between here and the Chancellor's office: will follow up.
Q: Are you aware of the sick building syndrome in Faser Hall? Fungus growing in labs, classrooms, and offices.
A: The bonds by the state have been sold and the plans are drawn. Renovation is ready to go.
Follow up Q: Is there anything being done in the interim?
A: Will follow up and try to provide immediate relief.
Q: Has the money from the forest lands begun to flow?
A: It has. Almost $38 million funds have been invested by the Endowment (Bob Dowdy, contact person). The $2 million dollars interest is restricted to the repair and renovation of building and grounds. The money is not in the Foundation.
Q: The State Faculty Senate is meeting with the Governor, any advice?
A: Be prepared to offer suggestions. My suggests are to: reallocate current funding or increase taxation to create a permanent funding stream for education; to challenge the universities to hone their missions so the educational units don't overlap.
Q: Do you see us creating an enrollment cap?
A: Yes: my preference would be to keep it at 12 thousand. Nothing can move re: enrollment until the Ayers case is settled.
Q: In terms of the donation coming into the University, what are the goals?
A: Library funding, scholarships, special programs, endowed faculty chairs.
Q: Suggestion: inexpensive, quality day care makes the University more attractive to candidates.
A: I think we know with regard to benefit packages, we need some help. Please email and will follow up re: day care.
Q: The search process cycle is being disrupted because of budget cuts; we have lost good candidates. Are the open positions going to be staying open?
A: Need to contact Provost's office to get authorization for posting job openings, which is almost always given. The vacillation last year was caused by the Legislators who were predicting cuts.
Q: Re: recent ATO incident: appreciated the immediate email you sent. Can we have other groups who support diversity use that space?
A: The ground is leased to the fraternity for $1 a year but we will ask the University Attorney.
Follow up Q: Maybe it could come from the Fraternity itself.
Q: Have we made it mandatory for incoming freshmen to have laptops?
A: Not yet but 94% of incoming freshman have computers.
Q: What is Farley hall's name going to be?
A: It will be called the Gertrude C. Ford Performing Arts Center, housed in Farley Hall. Weir Hall will also keep its name.

II. Announcements
The Senate's recommended policy regarding academic dean searches
was presented to the Council of Academic Administrators November 12. No action was taken by that body. No meeting of the Council of Academic Administrators is scheduled for December. Chair Bush recommended following up when the Senate begins its new term in January 2002.

III. Old Business
Minutes of November 8, 2001
Senate meeting were approved without dissent.

IV. New Business
A. Fall Break,
Senator Martin, Academic Support Services Committee: there has been no data tallied yet to generate discussion. The general feeling thus far among the faculty (that Senator Martin has polled) was positive. Discussion will take place in the January 2002 meeting.

B. Dial-up Internet Service, Senator Martin, Academic Support Services Committee: IT is charging $12.84 per month for dial-up service. IT has installed 50K modems with 48 lines. Nexus II taking over for Lotus. There are a few departments paying the charge for their faculty members, however this is not a widespread practice.

C. University Faculty Senate Associate (UFSA) Meeting: The Present of the statewide UFSA has invited us to send representatives to meet with the Governor this Friday at 3:30 p.m. in Jackson. After polling the Executive Committee for volunteers, the floor was opened to interested Senators. Senators-Elect Ken Sufka and Marvin Overby volunteered and will report back to the Senate in the January 2002 meeting.

D. Associated Student Body (ASB) Senators Request Faculty Assistance with Election Polling: the Provost forwarded this request. The ASB representative present, Cedric Washington, stated that the issue is dead.

E. Committee Appointment: a request for a Senate representative be appointed to the steering committee for the new performing arts building. The Committee will be policy and procedure committee. A nomination from the Executive Committee will be on the January 2002 agenda.

F. Statement by Outgoing Chair, Senator Larry Bush re: increasing continuity in the Senate

Senators Laurenzo and Tew have increased the continuity through changing the term, inviting new Senators to the December meeting before they have to serve, and reducing the number of Senators. Suggestions for further increasing continuity: 1.) Give thought to the upcoming January 2002 meeting during which elections will be held for the Executive officers and the Executive Committee. Chair Bush encourages the Senators to think about who they want on the Executive Committee, not just who is the Chair of the Senate but who would make a good, hardworking committee chair. 2.) Change the Senate Constitution to increase the length of the term possible for the chair, OR 3.) Change the Senate Constitution to create a process of succession through having the Vice Chair become the Chair-elect. 4.) The Senate as a body should demand a permanent office to mark its place in the University as a permanent and active institution. 5.) Chair Bush encourages Senators to communicate with their faculty about Senate issues and actions as well as inviting constituents to give input before meetings to increase representation.

G. Motion to suspend the rules to make a resolution on behalf of Larry Bush Motion made by Senator Haws/Senator Laurenzo, 2nd. Passed by acclimation.

"Resolution on Behalf of Larry S. Bush
Larry S. Bush has served with distinction throughout numerous terms in the Senate of the Faculty as a representative of the Law faculty, and
Whereas, He has provided the Senate of the Faculty outstanding leadership as an unerring champion of faculty governance during his term as Senate Chair, and
Whereas, He has provided moral leadership in the Senate during times of crisis at this University, particularly during the controversy surrounding the use of the Confederate flag in 1983,
Be It Therefore Resolved, That the Senate of the Faculty recognizes the many contributions of Larry S. Bush to the strengthening of the Faculty Senate at this University, and
Be It Further Resolved, that the Senate of the Faculty extends to him our best wishes as he undertakes his new responsibilities at Cornell University."

H. Update on the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee: Senator Bradley, Faculty Senate representative.
Bradley announced that having been elected by the Senate as a representative on the Athletic Committee, he has read the committee's bylaws and the minutes of its most recent meeting. It appears that the committee typically meets only four times a year. Recent minutes show that presentations are made to the committee. The committee is not consulted on matters nor asked for advice. The only action at a recent meeting was approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. The thrust of the announcement is that the faculty should not expect much of the committee because the committee is organized for form, not for substantive involvement.

Meeting officially adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

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