Minutes of the Meeting of the Senate
of the Faculty
Thursday, April 18, 2002 7:00 p.m., Room 113, Conner Hall
Meeting called to order with a quorum at 7 p.m.
Present: E. Acevedo, D. Adler, M. Aiken, A. Ajootian, D. Barker, J. Bentley, N. Bercaw, C. Brower, W. Chen, L. Cozad, K. Dellinger, C. Eagles, R. Elam, G. Herrera, A. Kishk, F. Laurenzo, A. Mark, J. Martin, R. C. Ochs, Oliphant-Ingham, M. Overby, J. Reid, D. Rock, B. Smothers, K. Swinden, M. Tew, C. West, N. Wiggers, D. Wilkins. S. Wolcott, M. Zarzeski, J. Zjawiony
B. Alidaee*, J. Aubrey, B. Barkdoll, L. Bombelli*, J. Czarnetzky*,
S. Davis, A. Fisher-Wirth*, J. Ford*, K. Knight*, P. Malone, A.
Quinney*, J. Schetz*, K. Sufka*, A. Trefzer*, J. Urgo*
*Prior notification
I. Announcements
A. Report on Budget, Andy Mullins
Andy Mullins, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor; State/Federal
Institutional Liaison
Fund Sources for free educational entities in Mississippi
Fund Sources for the Institute for Higher Learning (IHL)
Fund Sources for the State Budget, FY2003
B. Update from recent Council of Academic Administrators
meeting, Senator Tew
The Council addressed the language from the AAUP that has been
submitted to SACs; unanimously voted to approve. This was a bookkeeping
measure; the AAUP language has already been submitted to SAC and
just was never approved by the Council. The AAUP language will
now be included in the handbook along with the other procedures
and policies.
II. Old Business
The Minutes of the March 21, 2002 Senate meeting were approved
without dissent
III. New Business
A. Proposal for Internal Academic Program Review, Donna Adler
Proposal is for the formation of a university-wide program review
committee; the Faculty Senate's role would lie in nominating people
to serve on that committee. Dr. Eftink is using the strategic
planning to put into place a procedure for departments and programs
to be reviewed on a five-year cycle. This would allow departments
to make long-range plans and would give the departments time to
make suggested improvements. Proposal is meant to be proactive:
not looking at what departments did wrong but what departments
can plan to do right in the future. Proposal is still in draft
form and there are some suggestions that Senators would like to
make in the future; for the present, the Senate supports the intent
of this proposal.
Senator Eagles moved that we send the proposal to the Academic Affairs Committee for consideration and consultation with Dr. Eftink. 2nd: Mark Tew. Motion passed without dissent. Click here to read proposal on the web. Click here to access document in Word.
B. Business School Procedure Update
Re: "A Process to be used in Deciding Whether or not the
Economics Faculty will transfer from the School of Business to
the College of Liberal Arts". Click
here to access original Senate document
Senator Overby made a resolution responding to the above letter and email sent by the Provost to the School of Business Administration faculty. Click here (PDF) for the resolution passed by the Senate 04/18/02 including friendly amendments written in pencil. Click here for a web version of the final document.
Senator Tew moved that the Senate accept Senator Overby's resolution as amended in points two and three, and authorize the Executive committee to convey to the Provost the ideas as conveyed by Senate in a cover letter. 2nd: Senator Wiggers. Motion carried with no dissent and two abstentions.
C. May Faculty Senate Meeting, Senator Oliphant-Ingam moved that an extraordinary meeting be called on Thursday, May 9, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. 2nd: Senator Rock. Motion passed without dissent.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.