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Minutes of the Meeting of the Senate of the Faculty
Thursday, December 5, 2002, 7:00 p.m., Room 106, Law School

Meeting called to order with a quorum at 7:10 p.m.

Present: Edmund Acevedo, Donna Adler, Milam Aiken, Aileen Ajootian, John Bentley, Luca Bombelli, Wei-Yin Chen, Charles Eagles, Rick Elam, Ahmed Kishk, Fred Laurenzo, Phil Malone, Amy E. Mark, Jeanette Martin, Clifford Ochs, Robert Riggs, David Rock, Bobbie Smothers, Warren Steel, Ken Sufka, Mark Tew, Annette Trefzer, Joseph Urgo, Nancy Wiggers, Dawn Wilkins, Susan Wolcott

Absent: Brahram Alidaee*, Julie Aubrey*, Bonnie Avery, Deborah Barker*, Nancy Bercaw, Charles Brower, Laurie Cozad*, John Czarnetzky, Steven Davis, Kirsten Dellinger*, Jennifer Ford*, K.P. George*, Gail Herrera, Kathy Knight*, Rosemary Oliphant-Ingham*, Anne Quinney*, James Reid, Charles Ross, John Schetz*, Charles West, Marilyn Zarzeski
* Prior notification

I. Old Business
A. Minutes
of the November 14, 2002 Senate meeting were approved without dissent.

II. Announcements
Election results will be announced ASAP.

III. New Business
A. Report on the Honors College Search
, Senator Joe Urgo
The search committee has proposed three candidates to the Provost.

B. Discussion regarding new Honors College Director, Chair Donna Adler
A resolution to urge the administration to include the new Honors College Director in all dean-level committees and meetings was tabled until Senators are better informed as to the substance of the external evaluation committee report on the Honors College. Click Here for a PDF version.

C. Discussion of recognition for faculty scholarship, Chair Donna Adler
The Senate Chair will suggest the Chancellor create a fund to reward excellence in research and scholarship, either by percentage reward or cash bonus. Details will be worked out once the Chair has ascertained the enthuasim of the Chancellor. A second suggestion to the Chancellor will be made as well regarding the possibility of a percentage of rising tuition be marked for faculty salaries. This would require the Chancellor and the other Presidents to lobby the IHL.

D. Discussion of collecting information on faculty morale, Chair Donna Adler
Colleagues have suggested that the Faculty Senate commission a survey of the faculty. Senator Bombelli agreed that the Academic Services committee will work with Alice Clark and the Political Science department to tag along with their survey.

III. Motion to suspend the rules, Senator David Rock, second Senator Mark Tew. Passed without dissent
"Motion to commend Chair Donna Adler for her work as the Senate of the Faculty Chair." Motion passed without dissent.

IV. Motion to suspend the rules, Senator Amy E. Mark, second Senator David Rock. Passed without dissent
"Motion to commend Senator Mark Tew for his seven years of service to the Senate of the Faculty." Motion passed without dissent.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

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