Minutes of the Meeting of the Senate
of the Faculty
Thursday, April 10, 2003 7:00 PM, School of Education,
room 153
Meeting called to order with a quorum at 7:15 p.m.
Present: Edmund Acevedo, Milam Aiken, John Bentley, Victoria Bush, Judith Cassidy, Wei-Yin Chen, Daisy Cheng, Laurie Cozad, Gregg Davidson, Kirsten Dellinger, Michelle Emanuel, Laurdella Foulkes-Levy, Kris Gilliland, Michael Ponton, David Rock, Bobbie Smothers,Warren Steel, Steven Stodghill, Diane Tidwell, Joseph Urgo, Charles West, Nancy Wiggers, Dawn Wilkins
Absent: Donna Adler*, Aileen Ajootian, Brahram Alidaee,
Deborah Barker, Nancy Bercaw, Luca Bombelli, Robert Brown*, John
Bruce, Steven Davis, Rick Elam, Matthew Hall*, Charles Ingene*,
Ahmed Kishk, Amy E. Mark*, Clifford Ochs*, Anne Quinney*, James
Reid*, Charles Ross, John Schetz*, Ken Sufka*, Annette Trefzer*,
Haidong Wu*
* Prior notification
I. Old Business
A. Minutes of the March 20, 2003 Senate meeting were approved
without dissent.
B. New Winter Session, David Rock
Winter Session proposal will not be implemented for January 2004.
Earliest possible implementation will be January 2005. Please
forward comments and suggestions regarding the winter sessions
to Dr. Rock or the Provost.
C. Ad Hoc Committee formed to review Faculty Senate
resolution on the Selection and Appointment of Academic
Administrators. Members of the Committee: Senator Ponton, Senator
Urgo, Senator Acevedo, Senator Adler, Dean Hopkins, Dean Wells,
Dean Stocks, and Dr. Clark. Dr. Clark will convene the committee.
II. Announcements
A. Senators Rock, Acevedo, Ponton, and Wiggers will be attending
the SEC Faculty Governance Leaders conference on May 1
and 2 at Vanderbilt University.
B. The university will be purchasing caps and gowns for newly tenured faculty beginning this year. Due to time constraints, this will not be available until graduation 2004.
II. New Business
A. Reports from the Committees
1. Academic Affairs, Chair Michael Ponton
a. Created sub-committee on academic discipline and have drafted revisions for the M-Book. Committee will present to Faculty Senate at a later date.
b. Senator Ponton met with Clay Jones about a Faculty Discipline policy as well as with the University Attorneys. Mississippi State Employee handbook does not apply at the University of Mississippi. Currently, no faculty policy exists to develop a sanction before it is administered to a faculty member. Committee is charged to research other university policies pertaining to faculty discipline.2. Academic Support Services, Michelle Emanuel
a. Committee charged to research possibility of the University providing a Spam filter similar to the virus protection program for campus e-mail.
b. Library hours - A new Dean of the Library has been selected and will start in July. Therefore, the committee has tabled issue until new Dean arrives.
c. Rebel Ride-where did they go? A group of students is looking into bringing the Rebel Ride. There is no official university committee for the Rebel Ride at this time; looking into getting a Senator on the city committee for Rebel Ride.3. Faculty Governance, Chair Joe Urgo
No Report4. Finance Committee, Chair John Schetz
Chair absent: no report.5. University Services: Chair, James Reid
Chair absent: no report.
B. Campus Management, Maurice Eftink, Kathy Gates, and Jim Vaughan spoke on the campus management system as it pertains to faculty and students for this semester. Kathty Gates provided a brief demonstration of grade submissions. Final grades will have to be submitted using campus management (online) this semester. All faculty will have to have a WebID to access the system. The FTC or IT Helpdesk will assist any faculty in this process. WebID accounts can also be activated online at https://secure.olemiss.edu/services/
C. Harassing email to students and faculty, David Rock
Faculty and students are receiving harassing e-mail. Academic
support services is charged with researching options to stop offenders.
D. Memphis Food Bank for month of April, David Rock
Dr. Rock was contacted by Whitney Kirk of Helping Hands regarding
a campus food drive. Faculty senate would like to put efforts
into Oxford Food Pantry, which is currently done by many campus
organizations and people.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.