Minutes of the Meeting of
the Senate of the Faculty
October 9, 2003, 7:00 PM, School of Education, Room
From 7:00-7:30 p.m. Alice Clark, Office of Research and
Sponsored Programs, gave a brief presentation until a quorum
was present.
Dr. Clark: the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is
trying to make it easier for faculty to be successful; just call
the office and they'll put you in touch with the right person.
Two types of funding out of this office:
External Resource Funding
- Division of research: help develop proposals for external
- Division of sponsored programs and administration: administration
of external funding;
- Research compliance: Animal and Human Subject research, etc.;
- Technology management: Reporting, Protecting, and Commercializing
Intellectual Property;
Internal Resource Funding
- Support travel to ID funding opportunities, summer stipend,
and small grants;
- Travel awards have been standardized (FYI: not really to
just attend a conference; must explicitly state how the conference
will aid towards a further research outcome). Also for faculty
to attend regional and national government agencies for workshop
or one-on-one with the program officers;
- Offering second year of workshop series to support faculty;
- Divide support into three areas: Life Sciences, Physical
and Engineering Sciences, and Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.
Finally, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is
responsible for the University Research Board Standing Committee
(URB), [available in the PDF version of the Standing Committees
booklet online @ http://www.olemiss.edu/news/committees/2003StandingCom.pdf]
which is governed by the Senate. Senators should bring URB issues
to this body. One example is that there has been some concern
about how 12-month faculty will benefit from the internal funding
program. This, and similar issues, are being taken up by a URB
task force.
Questions for Dr. Clark
- Senator Davidson: what to do with funds that are spread out
over two years? AC: Call office and someone who will get
that straightened out;
- Senator Alidaee: what is the average amount of travel money
provided to graduate students? AC: will have to look up.
Senator Alidaee encourages the office to give more. AC: Trying
to coordinate funding with the Graduate School/Dr. Eftink to
provide support;
- Senator Cassidy: do faculty have access to a subscription
grant information on the on the web? AC: programs are
on available only in the Office of Research. A program development
specialist will use the resources to ferret out funding opportunities
for you, and run down the funding forms, etc. However, the Office
of Research will be sending out email alerts for keywords research
areas for those interested.
Meeting called to order with a quorum at 7:30 p.m.
Present: Donna Adler, Aileen Ajootian, Brahram Alidaee,
John Bentley, Luca Bombelli, John Bruce, Victoria Bush, Judith
Cassidy, Laurie Cozad, Gregg Davidson, Michelle Emanuel, Charles
Ingene, Ahmed Kishk, Amy E. Mark, Clifford Ochs, Rosemary Oliphant-Ingham,
James Reid, David Rock, Bobbie Smothers, Ken Sufka, Nancy Wiggers,
Haidong Wu (22 names; who is missing?)
Absent: Edmund Acevedo*, Milam Aiken*, Deborah Barker*,
Nancy Bercaw*, Robert Brown*, Wei-Yin Chen, Daisy Cheng*, Steven
Davis, Kirsten Dellinger, Rick Elam*, Laurdella Foulkes-Levy*,
Kris Gilliland, Matthew Hall*, Anne Quinney*, Charles Ross,Warren
Steel, Steven Stodghill*, Diane Tidwell*, Annette Trefzer, Waheed
Uddin, Joseph Urgo*, Charles West, Dawn Wilkins*, Jordan Zjawiony
* Prior notification
I. Old Business
A. The minutes for September 11, 2003 minutes_20030900.html
were approved without dissent.
II. New Business
A. Student absence policy, Bob Weems, Karen Schifferal, Assistant
AD for Academic support, and Ryan Kuklinski (Business major/baseball
Senator Cassidy moved to approve the addition to the student
absentee proposal with the friendly amendments and addendum;
second by Senator Davidson. Handcount: yeas 23; nays 0; abstained
0. For current policy and policy with changes, click
Bob Weems
- Student athletes sometimes have to miss class to attend athletic
competitions where attendance is required in order to receive
financial aid;
- Some faculty will not let student athletes make up examinations
or coursework;
- The present Catalog statement does detail make-up examination
or coursework procedure;
- An addition to present statement outlines that faculty must
allow student athletes to make up examinations or coursework;
- Proposed addition: "Also, students and their counselors
or advisors are expected to plan their class schedules so as
to minimize the number of classes that student will be forced
to miss."
- Senator Ingene: why doesn't the athletic department approach
the administration and have them change the rules so that the
student can miss the competition in order to take the examination?
- Senator Cassidy: old policy also includes that instructors
must be notified prior to the competition, which does not happen.
ANSWER: the students themselves must get the letter to the professor
themselves prior to competition. Will look into electronic notification
- Senator Adler: concern that students are taking advantage
of this policy by saying they are on the road when they are not.
As to the issue of notice: faculty are only required to make
up work or examination accommadations if faculty has had prior
notification. ANSWER: how coursework or examinations are made
up is under the purview of the faculty member.
- Senator Davidson: Believes that the notion of advanced notice
is extremely important. The students should come to the professor
to make arrangements to take the test early instead of having
an extra week to study.
- Senator Ingene: how many students has this been a problem
with? ANSWER: one student is too many.
- Senator Mark: does not believe that this is really enough
of a problem to alter the current catalog.
- Ryan Kuklinski: student baseball player have the possibility
of missing up to six classes due to games, which would violate
the freshman English policy and cause the student athlete to
fail the class.
- Senator Mark: how many classes should an student athlete
be allowed to miss? Is six going to be the absolute limit?
- Senator Bruce: Sounds like there are some problem faculty
and some problem student athletes that have causeed problems
in the past. One issue on the table is the amount of prior notice.
Another issue is that students play too many games in some sports.
Philosophically we are opposed to students missing this much
class-however, for the sake of the current student athletes,
this must be taken up NCAA, not the student athletic office.
- Senator Alidaee: Friendly Amendment to move sentence beginning
"Names of participating students and the dates
up two sentences in the document. 2nd Friendly Amendment: "should"
back to "must" and moved up two sentences.
B. Report from committees
- Academic Affairs: no chair, nothing to report
- Academic Support Services: Chair Michelle Emanuel
- Spam survey has gone out via email. Please take it if you
have not and encourage others to participate. FYI: none of business
school received the survey notification. Senator Emanuel will
take this up with IT.
- Faculty Governance: Chair, Joe Urgo, nothing to report
- Finance: Chair, John Bentley, nothing to report
- University Services: Chair, James Reid, nothing to report
C. University Community Forum Update, David Rock
Scheduled for Oct. 29, 2003, 6:30 p.m. at the Ford Center, Senator
Urgo moderating.
- The forum task force has solicited faculty, staff, graduate
and undergraduate students for questions. They will now narrow
down the questions to five questions for each of the four groups.
The administration will be given the general themes that emerge
but not the actual questions.
- Logistically not positive how this is going to work but after
each question has been asked, there will be ONE follow up question
allowed by the audience. The follow up questions will probably
have to be written down and read by the moderator.
- Planning on having three forums-potentially in February and
April 2004. These months were chosen as they are before and after
the legislative session.
- PLEASE talk the forum up to the staff and faculty.
D. Explanation of possible changes to Bylaws for the Committee
on Elections, Senator Adler
Senators are asked to look over a print document handed out and
to please email Senator Adler the details of any substantive
changes and non-substantive change that are of issue.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.