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Minutes of the Meeting of the Senate of the Faculty
December 11, 2003 5:00 PM, School of Education, Room 153

Meeting called to order with a quorum at 5:00 p.m.

Present: Edmund Acevedo,  Milam Aiken, Aileen Ajootian, Deborah Barker, John Bentley, Luca Bombelli,  Robert Brown, Judith Cassidy, Daisy Cheng, Laurie Cozad, Kirsten Dellinger, Michelle Emanuel, Kris Gilliland, Charles Ingene, Ahmed Kishk, Amy E. Mark,  Rosemary Oliphant-Ingham, Anne Quinney, James Reid, David Rock, Warren Steel, Ken Sufka, Diane Tidwell, Annette Trefzer, Joseph Urgo, Charles West, Nancy Wiggers, Dawn Wilkins, Haidong Wu, Jordan Zjawiony

Absent: Donna Adler, Brahram Alidaee, Nancy Bercaw*, John Bruce, Victoria Bush*, Wei-Yin Chen,  Gregg Davidson, Steven Davis, Rick Elam*,  Laurdella Foulkes-Levy*,  Matthew Hall, Clifford Ochs*, Charles Ross, Bobbie Smothers*, Steven Stodghill, Waheed Uddin,

* Prior notification

I. Old Business
A. The minutes for Nov.13, 2003 minutes_20031100.html were approved without dissent.

II. Announcements, David Rock
A. Officer positions
open for next term: Chair Elect and Secretary/Treasurer.

III. New Business
A. Report from committees

  • Academic Affairs: no chair, nothing to report
  • Academic Support Services: Chair Michelle Emanuel, nothing to report
  • Faculty Governance: Chair, Joe Urgo, nothing to report
  • Finance: Chair, John Bentley, nothing to report
  • University Services: Chair, James Reid, nothing to report

B. Course Management Software for the university

Discussion of campus-wide course management software. Due to a conflict between IT and the Office of Outreach, the Office of Outreach uses Angel and the rest of the campus uses BlackBoard. IT has all administrative privileges for BlackBoard; Office of Outreach had some problems that IT didn’t solve, so they just bought their own system.

  • University spent lots of money on two systems that supposedly do the same thing;
  • Divides campus;
  • Students will have yet another password and username;
  • Faculty need to learn a new system with no support from IT;
  • Online courses are expanding-this will increasingly become an issue;
  • Issue needs to be addressed in January 2004;
  • Both the Office of Outreach and IT report to the Provost; this would probably be the best way to approach the issue;
  • Send to Academic Support committee.

C. Incentives for Senate Officers, Amy E. Mark
Provost has initially provided support but that committee temporarily disbanded when the chair left university; Senator Rock has pledged to write a proposal in January 2004.

D. Election Results, Nancy Wiggers
Most schools have turned in their results; Law School and Liberal Arts II still have not submitted results.  Since there were no volunteers from Liberal Arts II, Senator Wiggers will run the elections via email.

E. Motion to Thank Senator Rock for his service to the Senate; motion made by Senator Reid, second Senator Wilkins; motion passed without dissent.

F. Faculty reception, David Rock
Adjourn to attend reception for faculty sponsored by the Chancellor.

Meeting adjourned 5:20 p.m.

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