Agenda for the
Meeting of the Senate of the Faculty
minutes_20031200November 11, 2004 4:45 PM
Thad Cochran Research Center (Natural Products Center), Room 2066
Meeting called to order without a quorum at 4:53p.m.
Present: Edmund Acevedo, John Bruce, Alice Cooper, Conrad Cunningham, Michelle Emanuel, Laurdella Foulkes-Levy, Garey Fox, Ray Fulton, Kris Gilliland, Greg Johnson, Diane Marting, Chris McCurdy, Rosemary Oliphant-Ingham, Michael Repka, Sidney Rowland, Laura Sheppardson, Joe Sumrall, Joe Urgo, Randy Wadkins, Kathleen Wickham, Kristine Willett, John Winkle, Haidong Wu, Alexander Yakovlev
Absent: Donna Adler, Milam Aiken*, Bahram Alidaee, Robert Brown*, Judith Cassidy, Daisy Cheng, Laurie Cozad, Gregg Davidson*, Tristan Denley, Rick Elam, Matthew Hall*, Jamie Harker*, Charles Ingene*, Fred Laurenzo, Ivo Kamps, Jennifer Mizenko, Elizabeth Payne*, Bill Scott*, Warren Steel*, Mary Thurlkill, Diane Tidwell, Nancy Wicker*
* Prior Notification
I. Old Business and Updates
a. Faculty and Staff Compensation Incentive Plan
Announcement: Department chairs should have provided every faculty member a copy of the policy. When the Chancellor signs the minutes of the Council of Academic Administrators meeting, the policy will be posted on the web and become official.
Discussion: Senator Bruce: The document is somewhat difficult to understand. How will salary be enhanced during the winter session?
Chair Acevedo: Calculations are based upon 9-month salary. In order to receive enhanced compensation you must be able to document that you are doing more work than what you are being currently paid to do or you can also have the department create an award for meritorious work. The Dean, Provost, Department Chair, and Human Resources must approve all of this.
Senator Yakovlev: How about work in the summer?
Chair Acevedo: It is suggested that you include summer pay in your grants. Whether or not you can then pay yourself an additional 30% based upon your 9-month salary, I do not know. Please check with your Department Chair and/or Maurice Eftink.
Senator Bruce: Should we try to assemble some questions to present to Maurice Eftink.
b. Committee on Elections
Announcement: Senate Elections approaching. Chris McCurdy will be contacting those staying on the Senate to help participate Monday-ish. Elections should be completed by the end of finals week.
Discussion: Senator Bruce: Remind colleagues that they may want to vote. Encourage faculty members to vote.
c. Enhancing the Intellectual Culture –
John Neff, Subcommittee Chair for Task for on Undergraduate Education
Ideas that the committee is considering:
§ Convocation reading program – have it continued throughout year
§ The abuse of alcohol
o Peer education programs
o Look at laws prohibiting alcohol discounts
§ The role that alumni may play in supporting the drinking culture
§ DM – no more “2 for 1” alcohol related ads
§ Alternative programs on campus
§ Increase of UPD resources and manpower
§ Exploring possibility of a policy along the line of the University Creed
§ Support for academic cultural priorities of the faculty
§ Testing/evaluating students within first 3 weeks of class
§ Diligence in reporting freshman absentee
§ Stricter policies for absences
§ Avoid class cancellation – examine available alternatives (student life programming)
§ Looking to have communication with student organizations
Senator Marting: Was a foreign language requirement discussed?
Senator Urgo: Spread 2-yr general education requirements over 4-years.
Senator Cunningham: We must be aware of the junior college students and the distinctiveness of our core. 58 hours need to transfer from junior colleges
Senator Neff: Should we focus core requirements by course titles or content areas and or knowledge level?
Senator McCurdy: You mentioned alcohol abuse awareness. However, has the committee addressed the use of illicit substances?
Senator Neff: We have discussed alcohol and drugs. However, our students are more likely to abuse alcohol because it is more permissible.
Chair Acevedo: Suggested update in January/February Senate meeting.
Senator Neff: If you have suggestions please email David Swanson or me.
d. The Cost of Textbooks
Roun McNeal, Associated Student Body Executive Liaison
The costs of textbooks are extraordinary. Please make all attempts to reduce or limit the mounting costs of textbook and coursework materials that students have to overcome.
A. Health Insurance Options
§ MS Code of 1972 SEC. 25-15-2
No agency, board,
institution or authority of the state shall withdraw, or authorize any agency
or institution under its management and control to withdraw, from the State
Employees Life and Health Insurance Plan established under Title 25, Chapter
15, Mississippi Code of 1972.
SOURCES: Laws, 1992, ch. 568 Sec. 2, eff from and after passage
(approved May 15, 1992)
§ .
Announcement: Dr. Greg Davidson (Representative of the Faculty Senate), Dr. Greg Easson, Dr. Hugh Sloan (Faculty members)
II. Reports from Committees
§ Academic Support Services
Announcement: Ed Acevedo and Michelle Emanuel have met with IT regarding a Policy on use of electronic media on campus. They have suggested some changes in language but are supportive of the document as a whole.
Senator Cunningham: Should this go out to all departments?
Chair Acevedo: IT would like this to be a blanket policy. Let’s think about circulating this to all departments.
Senator Emanuel: This largely deals with the Appropriate Use policy in terms of consequences.
Chair Acevedo: Maybe the policy can be dispersed and feedback provided following the approval by the Faculty Senate.
e. Faculty Governance: Chair, John Bruce
No report
c. University Services: Chair, Laura Sheppardson
No report
f. Academic Affairs: Chair, Robert Brown
No Report
e. Finance Committee: Chair, Rick Elam
No Report
III. Next Meeting
December 9 – 4:45-5:15 then the Chancellor’s Holiday Social 5:30 to 7:00 PM
Adjourned at 6:24