Minutes for the Meeting of the Faculty Senate
December 9, 2004
Meeting called to order with a quorum at 4:55.
Present: Ed Acevedo, Bahram Alidaee, John Bruce, Judith Cassidy, Daisy Cheng, Alice Cooper, Conrad Cunningham, Gregg Davidson, Michelle Emanuel, Ray Fulton, Kris Gilliland, Jamie Harker, Charles Ingene, Christopher McCurdy, Diane Marting, Rosemary Oliphant-Ingham, Elizabeth Payne, Michael Repka, Sidney Rowland, Warren Steel, Mary Thurlkill, Diane Tidwell, Joe Urgo, Randy Wadkins, Nancy Wicker, Kristine Willett, Kathleen Wickham, John Winkle, Haidong Wu, Alexander Yakovlev, Greg Johnson.
Absent: Donna Adler, Milam Aiken, Robert Brown, Victoria Bush, Laurie Cozad, Tristan Denley, Rick Elam, Laurdella Foulkes-Levy, Garey Fox*, Matthew Hall, Fred Laurenzo, Ivo Kamps*, Jennifer Mizenko, Bill Scott, Laura Sheppardson, Joe Sumrall*.
*Prior Notification
I. Old Business
A. Minutes of October Meeting approved with one correction. (Electronic privacy policy should read “from Univ. of Pennsylvania” not Penn State.
B. Minutes of November Meeting approved.
II. Agenda Items
Ed discussed the topics from the past year:
Selection and appointment of Academic Administration; Honor Code; Incentive and Support of Faculty Senate, Spam Survey, University Open Forum – February 4, Provost Review, Background check report, Editorial updates on Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws, Enhancing Intellectual Culture, Additional Issues and Considerations, Committee Appointments and Elections
The Electric Privacy Policy was discussed.
Warren Steele made to statement that it doesn’t protect the faculty. That e-mail can still be viewed and checked for activity.
John Bruce commented that it was a good policy – more tolerant than the corporate world.
Michelle Emmanuel thanked the IT staff.
Randy Wadkins asked if email is stored or if the links are stored.
Next Meeting is January 20.
Senator Cunningham moved to adjourn.
Senator Winkle seconded.
Motion passed without dissent.
Meeting adjourned at 5:30.
Chancellor’s reception followed at Memory House.