Minutes for the Meetminutes_20050200ing of the Senate of the Faculty
March 10, 2005 4:45 PM
Meeting called to order with a quorum at
Present: Robert Albritton, Tony Ammeter, Janice Bounds, Alice Cooper,
Walter Davis, Donna Davis, Garey Fox, Ray Fulton, Jamie Harker, Jeffrey
Jackson, Greg Johnson, Ivo Kamps, Fred Laurenzo, Mark Lewis, Diane Marting, K.B.
Melear, Milorad Novicevic,
Absent: Judith Cassidy, Laurie Cozad, Conrad Cunningham, Tristan Denley, Rick Elam, Matthew Hall, Chris McCurdy, Jennifer Mizenko, Daniel O’Sullivan*, Elizabeth Payne, Michael Repka*, Sidney Rowland*, Bill Scott*, Paul Secunda, Warren Steel, Randy Wadkins*, Michael Waterstone, Charles West, Kathleen Wickham*, Kristine Willett*, John Winkle,
* Prior Notification
I. Old Business
A. Minutes of the February 10, 2005 http://www.olemiss.edu/orgs/facultyulty_senate/final/MinFeb2005.htm
Several senators were counted absent by mistake. Senator Sumrall requested that senators make sure they complete the sign in sheet since it is used to officially determine attendance.
Senator Fulton motioned
Senator Marting Seconded
Motion passed
II. Current committee assignments- *=committee chair
The General Academic Affairs Committee |
The Academic Support Committee |
The University Services Committee |
The Financial Committee |
The Faculty Governance Committee |
Garey Fox Bob Albritton Dan O’Sullivan Kathleen Wickham Jan Bounds * William Scott III Alexander Yakovlev Walter Davis Victoria Bush 9 |
Ray Fulton Mary Thurlkill Dan Subramanian Diane Marting Elizabeth Stephan * Laura Sheppardson Tony Ammeter Fred Laurenzo Mark Lewis 9 |
Haidong Wu Sidney Rowland Randy Wadkins Greg Johnson * Jeff Jackson
Tristan Denley Milorad Novicevic Kerry Mealer 9 |
Christopher McCurdy Jamie Harker Michael Repka Paul Secunda Alice Cooper F. Yang Nancy Wicker* Rick Elam Judith Cassidy 9 |
Conrad Cunningham Kristie Willett Joe Urgo * Elizabeth Payne Michael Waterstone Donna Davis Ivan Kamps Jennifer Mizenko John Winkle 9 |
III. New Business
A. Post Tenure Review Change of Wording (Dr. Eftink Letter)
"If the subsequent review again yields an unsatisfactory rating (and this rating is upheld on appeal, for which see below), the matter shall be forwarded to the Office of the Provost for further appropriate action."
"This action may include reassignment of the individual to a non-faculty position within the University or to initiate existing procedures for the termination of tenured faculty for just cause."
The General Academic Affairs Committee Report- Chair Bounds
The senate consensus was to let the General Academic Affairs Committee continue its work on this issue.
B. Call for Elections for University Standing Committees- Dr. Chris McCurdy
C. Sub-Committee Reports
a) Academic Support- Chair Stephan: Still working
b) University Services Committee- Chair Johnson
· Pine straw – is a trial run, looking at pros/cons, submitted list of concerns to head of landscaping, letter to attorney making aware of possible liability
c) Faculty Governance- Chair Urgo
d) General Academic Affairs- Chair Bounds
· The Faculty Senate makes a motion for Administrators undergoing 4-year review be required to submit resume outlining their accomplishments over the past four years to the Faculty Senate Chair no later than two weeks prior to review deadline for posting on the Faculty Senate website
Motion passed unanimously
e) Financial Committee- Chair Wicker
IV. Other Business?
Form to keep up with issues for committees to review; changes needed to be made? Will be used by the chair
Senator Marting: Discussion of standing committees; committees never meeting; could something be done about this issue.
After much discussion Chair Sumrall agreed to submit the issue to the Faculty Governance Committee that is Chaired by Senator Urgo.
V. Motion for Adjournment
Senator Davis Motion
Senator Johnson Second
Motion passed without descent