Minutes for the Meeting of
the Senate of the Faculty
Meeting called to order with a quorum at
Edmund Acevedo, Robert Albritton, Tony Ammeter, Laurie Cozad, Walter Davis, Donna
Davis, Garey Fox, Ray Fulton, Jamie Harker, Greg Johnson, Mark Lewis, Diane
Marting, Chris McCurdy, KB Melear, Milorad Novicevic, Daniel O’Sullivan,
Absent: Janice Bounds, Judith Cassidy, Alice Cooper, Conrad Cunningham, Tristan Denley, Rick Elam*, Matthew Hall, Jeffrey Jackson, Ivo Kamps, Fred Laurenzo, Jennifer Mizenko, Sidney Rowland*, Bill Scott*, Warren Steel, Mary Thurlkill, Charles West, John Winkle,
* Prior Notification
I. Old Business
A. Minutes of the
It was requested that senate discussions should be presented in the minutes in a summary format rather than as verbatim comments of individual senators. Individual senators should be identified when motions are involved.
Senator Urgo motioned to approve minutes
Senator McCurdy seconded
Motion passed without dissent
II. REVISITED- Post Tenure Review Change of Wording (Dr. Eftink Letter)
"If the subsequent review again yields an unsatisfactory rating (and this rating is upheld on appeal, for which see below), the matter shall be forwarded to the Office of the Provost for further appropriate action."
"This action may include reassignment of the individual to a non-faculty position within the University or to initiate existing procedures for the termination of tenured faculty for just cause."
Several potential conflicts between the proposed change of wording and polices already enumerated in the University’s current post-tenure review policy were presented. Inconsistencies should be resolved before adding new language. Is this issue coming from the IHL? How are other campuses responding?
Senator Albritton motioned to table the amendment until outstanding issues are addressed in committee.
Senator Repka second
Motion passed without dissent
III. New Business
A. University Judicial Council- Lori Wolfe
Dr. Wolfe spoke on the relationship between the Judicial Council and the Faculty Senate. She inquired as to whether the Faculty Senate was comfortable with choosing the four faculty representatives for the Council?
Discussion with Dr. Wolfe:
Why are four faculty and four students the best solution? Dr. Wolfe: It gives equal representation.
Does plagiarism fall under Judicial Council jurisdiction? Dr. Wolfe: The Judicial Council does not deal with plagiarism issues.
Senators discussed best method for filling faculty positions on the Council.
Senator Davis motioned to send this issue to the Faculty Governance Committee for their consideration.
Motion passed without dissent
· Residential colleges will not happen soon (3-5 years); we’re just doing research
· Task force visited several institutions
§ Residential college approach would challenge:
· Greek system
· Co-ed housing
· Very large halls on campus
§ Advantages
· Students are responding to living in smaller communities
· Dorms are being renovated anyway-take advantage of it
· Growing interest in having classrooms in dormitories; living and learning communities
Senator discussion with Senator Urgo:
Should the University switch over at once? It seems financially burdensome.
Dr. Urgo: The switch would be in name only; until bond money comes through, renovate accordingly.
What is the main motivation?
Dr. Urgo: National movement to break down large campuses to smaller communities; foster sense of allegiance and community. There’s indication that retention rate increases; gives affiliation for students who choose not to go Greek. Greek system and intramurals & breaking it down would create challenges;
Is it geared to freshman?
Dr. Urgo: All students that are in a residence college; won’t necessarily live there, but have access/affiliation to residential colleges
Will faculty participate?
Dr. Urgo: Structured merit raises; create pool of money to incorporate into base salary are possibilities
C. Administrative Academic Council Response to Faculty Senate’s Motion on Quadrennial Review of Administrators
What is the difference between a Chair’s accomplishments and the units’ accomplishments? Review for a chair is distinct from a dean’s review. Perhaps academic administrators at the level of Deans or Directors and above with 50% or greater of their time devoted to administration should be required to post a list of their accomplishments over the past four years on the Chancellor’s web site.
Senator Acevedo moved that the Faculty Senate Chair move forward with our recommendation to the Council of Academic Administrators and report back to senate next month.
Senator W. Davis second
Motion passed without dissent
D. Call for Elections for
University Standing
Lib arts I and Lib arts III do not have elections
E. Sub-Committee Reports
a) Academic Support- Chair Stephan
b) University Services Committee- Chair Johnson
c) Faculty Governance- Chair Urgo
d) General Academic Affairs- Chair Bounds
e) Financial Committee- Chair Wicker
IV. Other Business?
V. Motion for Adjournment
Senator Acevado made a motion to adjourn the meeting
Senator Cunningham seconded
Meeting adjourned at