Minutes for the Meeting of the Senate of the Faculty
Peabody Room 206
Meeting began with a quorum
Present: Ed Acevedo, Tony Ammeter, Alice Cooper, Conrad Cunningham, Donna Davis, Walter Davis, Garey Fox, Jamie Harker, Jeffery Jackson, Greg Johnson, Diane Marting, K.B. Melear, Christopher McCurdy, Milorad Novicevic, Daniel O’Sullivan, Daniel Owens, Bill Scott, Paul Secunda, Laura Sheppardson, William Shughart, Elizabeth Stephan, Dan Subramanian, Joe Sumrall, Joe Urgo, Randy Wadkins, Nancy Wicker, Kathleen Wickham, Kristie Willett, Alexander Yakovlev, Fan Yang
Absent: Janice Bounds, Judith Cassidy, Laurie Cozad, Tristan Denley, Rick Elam, Matthew Hall, Ivo Kamps, Mark Lewis, Neil Manson, *Jennifer Mizenko, *Elizabeth Payne, *Michael Repka, *Sidney Rowland, Warren Steel, Mary Thurkill, Michael Waterstone, Charles West, John Winkle
* Prior Notification
I. Old Business
A. Chair Marting and Chair Jackson noted that they were present at the May 12 meeting
Motion to accept minutes with noted changes – Senator Ammeter
Motion was seconded by Senator Scott
Motion passed unanimously
B-C. Chair Sumrall reviewed status of Post Tenure Review change in wording and Administrative Reviews
D. Senator Scott discussed filling standing committees by allowing the committee to make appointments
Senator Scott made subsequent motion
Senator McCurdy made friendly amendment that his Committee on
Elections fill some of the positions that were elected offices prior to appointments
Motion was seconded by Senator Shughart
Motion passed unanimously
II. New Business
A) Dr. Sumrall reviewed Faculty Senate dates and noted room change
B) Merit Pay for Research
a) a process needs to be developed –
b) merit system discussed-
· shouldn’t discuss unless money is there
· specific criteria needs to be made
· can it be funded at this time
c) Chair Sumrall gave issue to two committees
B) Cafeteria does not take money anymore-
Chair Sumrall gave issue to a committee
C) Chancellor wants to increase faculties’ salaries discussed-
· Where is the money going to come from?
· Data on loss of faculty due to lack of money
· Benefits and salaries should be discussed in combination
· What are other Universities doing to restructure efforts at increasing faculty salaries?
Motion to support Chancellor’s efforts was made by Senator Noviecevic
Motion seconded by Senator Wicker
Due to concerns for Hurricane damage and possible negative perceptions the motion was tabled for another time
Chair Sumrall assigned two committees to review other restructuring plans made at other universities to increase faculty salaries
D) Fall elections – early October election of new senators
Statement from Chair McCurdy.
III. Other business
Motion to adjourn made by Senator Scott
Motion seconded by Senator Urgo
Motion passed unanimously
Adjourned at