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WHEREAS, a university values reasoned discourse, intellectual honesty, mutual respect and openness to constructive criticism and change; and,

WHEREAS, university faculty enjoy and exercise all rights secured to them by the constitutions of governments and by academic freedom as generally understood in higher education; and,

WHEREAS, academic freedom is essential to search for knowledge and its free exposition, and scholars in serving a free society must themselves be free; and,

WHEREAS, academic freedom is entwined with the responsibility to work in a collegial manner with colleagues and administrators to enable open discourses; and,

WHEREAS, faculty have the right and responsibility to participate in the establishment and maintenance of governance systems and policies at the department, school or college, and university levels;

NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED, by the Senate of the Faculty at the University of Mississippi, as representatives of the faculty, that we affirm the right of university faculty members to engage in responsible and professional discourse about, and criticism of, the policies and actions of the administration of their university.

RESOLVED, this the 18th day of March, 2004.


CHAIR, University of Mississippi Senate of the Faculty