Arts & Crafts
Correthers Family
Continued, page 2
Virtue Correthers.
Will (Bill) Correthers (1881-) married Stella Williams. To
this union nine children were born. Four daughters and five sons.
Sons: C.B., Purven, Willie B., Earl (twin with Earlene), Son
who died as a baby.Daughters:
Jewel, Magnolia, Josephine, Earlene (twin with Earl).
Jessie Correthers (1882-1983) married Josie Cohen, June 22, 1909,
at the home of George Cohen by Rev. Nash Smith. To this union eight children
were born. Sons: Jessie Orr, Jasper Wiggins, David Lamar, Byron Winford,
Dewey Norris. Daughters: Virdie Cordelia, Ruby Lee, Abb Lois. Jessie died on
Easter Sunday, April 3, 1983. Josie died June 8, 1931, when Ruby Lee was 9
weeks old. Byron died at the age of 19 with polio. Jessie Correthers also
married Mattie Marzette, June 19, 1932. To this union no children were born.
Buford Correthers (1885-) married Susie Dickerson. To this union no
children were born. Buford Correthers also married Ida Alexander. To this
union five children were born. For boys and one girl; Alvin (Pop Eye), Lee
Franklin (Toncil), Andrew (Judge), Edward Jay, Zula (Deceased).
Correthers Family, page
Correthers Family, page three
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Mrs. A.C. Carrothers, daughter Rosie and her husband. Circa 1910.
Photographer Unknown. |