Arts & Crafts
Johnson Family
Continued, page two
married Walter Johnson and to that union two sons were born. Walter Jr. in
1887 and Gus Johnson in 1892. Callie died in 1893. Her husband died five
years later. Anna Augusta Coleman raised her two grandsons Walter and Gus.
Besides this responsibility she was instrumental in my growing up in the
The joy of my growing up in Oxford and from her knees to 17 years old, with
Mother Coleman is a joy that's unexpressable! There were two big beds in my
great-grand mother's room. She slept in one and I in the other. Sitting
before the fireplace; she dipped snuff. She talked about her days of
slavery. But most of all she imparted much wisdom into my life. The
inspiration, hope, and love that she passed on to me has greatly enriched my
life. She gave me courage, instilled within me Christian principle...She
taught me to respect myself, leaders and those in authority."
Johnson Family,
page one
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Walter Marcarl Johnson, Sr. Date and Photographer Unknown. |