"We Cannot Walk Alone:" Images and History of the African-American Community.
Lafayette County, Mississippi. An "Open Doors Exhibition." April through August 2003.



Families & Individuals



Arts & Crafts



Businesses & Occupations
Continued, page two

II. African-American Businesses
"William Mullen, 'Little Billy,' owned a grist mill, cotton gin, and sorghum mill west of Oxford during the early part of the century. His children were his workers on the farm and in the mills.

'Bird' Kirkwood ran a blacksmith shop in Freedmantown during the 1920s. He shoed horses, farmed in the area, and had a stable with oxen. His wife ran a small store next door.

On the Square, Rob Boles ran his shoe shop, Henry Logan and Butch Morgan, a caf
é, Walter Rogers a pressing shop, and Rufus Threkeld a barbershop. Numerous laundries operated at various times serving the students and the staff at the University."

Businesses & Occupations, page three


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