 To Have and Have Not Screenplay by Jules Furthman and William Faulkner. [Tokyo]: Motion Picture Association, [1947]. Illustrated Wrappers with Photographs. Film Script Based on the Novel by Ernest Hemingway. Published to Aid the Japanese in Understanding American Film. Issued as No.9 in the Motion Picture Library.
Faulkner as Screenwriter
Intro 1 2 3 4
1. Typescript, "Flying the Mail"
2. Insert, Today We Live.
3. Brochure, I Dag lever vi
4. Insert, I Dag lever vi
5. Napkin, Today We Live.
6. Photograph, Road to Glory
7. Screenplay, Road to Glory
8. Screenplay, "Wooden Crosses"
9. Sheet Music, "Banjo on my Knee"
10. Photograph, Air Force
11. Lobby Card, Air Force
12. Screenplay, To Have and Have Not
13. Pressbook, To Have and Have Not
14. Photograph, Stallion Road
15. Screenplay, Stallion Road
16. Lobby Card, The Southerner
17. Lobby Card, The Big Sleep
18. Warner Brothers Press Release
19. Sheet Music, Land of the Pharaohs
Adaptations of Faulkner
Intruder in the Dust