Born in Lumberton, Mississippi in 1903, James
Street grew up in Laurel. As a journalist, Street worked for newspapers across
the south until William Randolph Hearst hired him for the New York American
in 1933 to write feature stories.
The first short story Street ever published
became the basis for the 1937 Technicolor comedy Nothing Sacred starring
Carole Lombard, the theatrical musical "Hazel Flagg," and a 1954 film featuring
Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, and Janet Leigh entitled Living It Up. The
money he received for the film rights permitted Street to quit his day job and
concentrate on writing.
"The Biscuit Eater," a short story about a boy
and his hunting dog, provided the narrative for a movie by the same name in
1940. Street then published an expanded version of the tale as a book in 1941
which was eventually translated into twenty-seven languages. Disney shot a
remake in 1972.
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