Young did not participate
in much of the planning and execution of the movie. He wrote to a friend
"Although -- Should I Say ‘Because'? -- I had nothing to do with the film of my
book, it has been a great success." Changes in the script included the almost
complete removal of the McGehee family and a
diminished role for the character of Sally
Bedford. Originally slated for that part,
Pauline Lord departed the picture during production over the matter. Janet
Beecher stepped into the role and performed an admirable job in the eyes of the
author. All in all, Young was happy with the film, musing that it was
"much changed, but often very beautiful." On display
are two scripts from the movie signed by Randolph Scott, Margaret
Sullivan, Stark Young, Walter Connally and King Vidor, the movie's director.
There is a facsimile of the film's three-sheet poster. Also
included is an outline drafted by Young describing his ideas for the movie. He
writes on the draft "I thought of [doing] it into a film -- this was a draft of
my plan. Paramount never saw it."