Minutes of the Faculty Senate
April, 12, 2001
Meeting called to order with a quorum at 7 PM
Present: M. Aiken, B. Barkdoll, L. Bombelli, J. Bradley,
L. Bush, W. Y. Chen, A. Cooper, C.
Cunningham, S. Davis, C. Eagles, R. Ethridge, A. Fisher-Wirth,
J. Ford, F. Gilbert, R. Haws, I. Labuda, F. Laurenzo, K. McKee,
A. Mark, J. Martin, D. Nagle, R. Oliphant-Ingham, P. Malone, J.
Reid, D. Rock, W. Steel, M. Tew, T. Verlangieri, M. Zarzeski
Absent: A. Ajootian, *D. Chessin, *W. Cleland, *P. Cooker,
*J. Czarnetzky, K. Dellinger, R. Ethridge, H. Gaycken, *Gail Herrera,
*E. M. Kolassa, *L. Foulkes-Levy, *K. McKee, *R. Riggs, C. Ross,
K. Swinden, *C. Taylor, D. Wilkins, S. Wolcott
*Prior notification
I. Announcements
A. Status of Search for Vice Chancellor for Research and Sponsored
Programs: Don Cole. Names have been sent to the administration
for this search. First recommendation, Gary Cunningham, New Mexico
State; 2nd, Alice Clark, University of Mississippi; 3rd, Lois
Chestnut, University of Montana.
B. Status of Search for Dean of the School of Business Administration: Faye Gilbert. History: interviewed 2 people on campus each year for three years and found no one suitable. Committee recommended 5 people last week, the first choice being Michael Harvey, University of OK, who will be on campus April 22-25 to negotiate.
C. Selection of Director of University Museums: Albert Sperath, formerly Director of Museums, Murray State University.
II. Old Business:
A. The minutes of the March 2001 meeting were approved. minutes_20010300.html
B. Motion presented by Academic Support Committee: "With the general consensus of the students and faculty polled, to have a fall break during the entire week of Thanksgiving the following motion promulgated: Motion for the Faculty Senate to support a fall break ONLY AS A ONE-YEAR TRIAL during the week of Thanksgiving (Monday-Friday); PROVIDED HOWEVER, THE BREAK DOES NOT APPLY TO THE SCHOOL OF LAW UNLESS THE SCHOOL SO DESIRES."
Capitals are amendments by Senator Bradley. Chair Bush called for a vote on the amended motion, which passed with a hand vote of: yea=18 nays=8
C. Report on proposed shortened semesters: Academic Support Committee, J. Martin. Element discussed:
D. Resolutions concerning changes in Faculty Senate and University Committees as a result of creation of the School of Applied Sciences and Professional Studies(tabled at the March 15, 2001, Faculty Senate meeting): amended by Senator Bradley from last Senate meeting. Senator Bradley made a motion to pass the amended motion; 2nd by Senator Cleland; passed by acclamation.
Resolution relative to the Eight Faculty-Elected Standing Committees (listed below) and terms and vacancies on the committees and Senate
Academic Freedom and Faculty Responsibility Committee
Tenure & Promotion Review Committee
Tenure & Promotion Appeals Committee
Sabbatical Leave Review Committee
Graduate Council
Undergraduate Council
External Academic Affairs Committee
Research Board
a. Add as paragraph "e" of Section 8 of the Bylaws of the Senate:
"All terms on these committees expire August 30 of the year designated for rotation, and new terms begin on September 1. However, the term of a member shall continue until the replacement has been duly selected."
b. Change the title of Section 7 of the Bylaws of the Senate and add a paragraph, so that Section 7 will read:
Section 7. Selection of Substitute Members of the Senate. Selection of Substitute Members of the Senate and Faculty-Elected Committees
When a senator or member of one of the committees specified in Section 8 resigns or becomes ineligible to continue in office (for example, when on sabbatical leave or not in residence on the Oxford campus), the alternate who received the most votes and who is not presently serving as a senator or committee member and who has not declined to serve as senator or on that committee will be appointed to complete the term. An alternate appointed in this way will be assigned to the committee(s) of the senator who has resigned (both internal senate and standing committees that the resigned senator was a member of by virtue of his or her position as a senator.)
In the event there is no alternate available to serve, a vacancy shall be filled at the next regularly-scheduled election The person so elected shall serve the remainder of the term being served by the vacating member. In the interim before the election, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment of an eligible faculty member, the appointment being made by the Senate representatives from the School or Liberal Arts Group.
c. Add to the Standing Committee document for the eight
"Terms Expire September 2004" School of Applied
Sciences & Professional Studies
a. Amend section 2 of the Constitution as follows:
Section 2. The membership quota of the Senate of the Faculty shall consist of one senator each from the College of Liberal Arts, the School of Accountancy, the School of Applied Sciences and Professional Studies, the School of Business Administration, the School of Education, the School of Engineering, the School of Law, the School of Pharmacy, and the faculty of the University Libraries, plus one additional senator for every twelve members of the Eligible Faculty in each of the above listed voting units. Within the College of Liberal Arts, elections shall be carried out in three different units, with eligible candidates and eligible voters limited to their respective group: Liberal Arts Group 1 consists of faculty from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Philosophy and Religion, Physics and Astronomy, and the ROTC programs; Liberal Arts Group 2 consists of faculty from Art, Classics, English, Journalism, Modern Languages, Music, and Theater Arts; Liberal Arts Group 3 consists of faculty from History, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology and Anthropology. If the process of dividing twelve into the number of Eligible Faculty in a unit results in a remainder of seven or more, that unit shall be entitled to one additional senator in its quota. Only faculty members who meet the criteria for Eligible Faculty shall have the right to vote in Senate elections.
b. Amend Section 8 of the Constitution as follows:
Section 8. A Committee on Elections shall be responsible for allocating Senate of the Faculty representation and for conducting nominations and elections. The committee shall consist of three Senate members from the College of Liberal Arts and one from each of the following: the School of Accountancy, the School of Applied Sciences and Professional Studies, the School of Business Administration, the School of Education, the School of Engineering, the School of Law, the School of Pharmacy, and the faculty of the University Libraries. Each member of the committee will be elected by the senators representing their respective school, college, or library. Each member of this committee shall be responsible for reviewing the list of the Eligible Faculty in each unit of their respective Schools, College, or Library provided by the Provost. This committee will elect its chairman.
Resolution 3 Representation for the School of Applied Science and Professional Studies
A special election will be held as soon as practicable after April 12, 2001. At this election, faculty from the School of Applied Sciences and Professional Studies will elect:
1) members and alternates to serve 3-year terms on the Eight
Faculty-Elected Standing Committees (Academic Freedom and Faculty
Responsibility Committee, External Academic Affairs Committee,
Graduate Council, Research Board, Sabbatical Leave Review Committee,
Tenure and Promotion Appeals Committee, Tenure and Promotion Review
Committee, and Undergraduate Council.) The terms will end
August 31, 2004.
2) members and alternates to serve in the Senate of the Faculty.
The number of senators elected will be determined by the formula
set out in the Senate Constitution. At this election, faculty
will be ranked in order of the number of votes received on the
Election Ballot. Half of those elected will be elected for two-year
terms which will end on December 31, 2003, and the others elected
will serve one-year terms which will end on December 31, 2002.
The half receiving the greatest number of votes will serve the
longer terms, and the others elected will serve the shorter terms.
Those receiving votes and not elected will serve as Alternates
as in other elections.
The Elections Committee of the Senate of the Faculty will appoint a faculty member from within the School of Applied Sciences and Professional Studies to conduct this election pursuant to the standing election rules as established in Senate Constitution and Bylaws.
Any member of the Senate of the Faculty or member of an elected Standing Committee who was elected from the College of Liberal Arts, the School of Education, or the School of Law, but who is now a member of the School of Applied Sciences and Professional Studies will vacate that position once the new school elects its representative or Senate member. Any resulting vacancy will be filled pursuant to provisions for filling vacancies. The formula for membership in Senate will not be changed until the next occasion for Senate elections, and if a School or unit would then have fewer representatives, all already-elected members shall remain as Senate members, the reduced number taking effect only prospectively when vacancy occurs or the end of a Senate term.
E. Status report on draft procedure and policy for academic administrator searches: Senator Laurenzo, Faculty Governance Committee.
Selection and Appointment of Academic Administrators (Department Chairs; Directors and Association and Assistant Deans; Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Associate and Assistant Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs)
Meeting officially adjourned at 8:35 PM