Minutes of the Meeting of the Senate
of the Faculty
Thursday, January 17, 2002, 7:00 p.m., Room 113, Conner Hall
Meeting called to order with a quorum at 7 p.m.
Present: D. Adler, M. Aiken, A. Ajootian, B. Barkdoll, D. Barker, J. Bentley, N. Bercaw, W. Chen, L. Cozad, J. Czarnetzky, K. Dellinger, C. Eagles, A. Fisher-Wirth, R. Haws, A. Kishk, F. Laurenzo, P. Malone, J. Martin, C. Ochs, R. Oliphant-Ingham, A. Quinney, J. Reid, D. Rock, J. Schetz, B. Smothers, K. Sufka, K. Swinden, A. Trefzer, J. Urgo, C. West, N. Wiggers, D. Wilkins, S. Wolcott, M. Zarzeski, J. Zjawiony
Absent: E.
Acevedo*, B. Alidaee*, J. Aubrey*, L. Bombelli*, C. Brower*, S.
Davis, R. Elam, J. Ford*, G. Herrera*, K. Knight*, A. Mark*, M.
Overby*, M. Tew*
*Prior notification
I. Announcements
A. Council of Academic Administrators'
Meeting, Monday, January 14, 2002, Robert Haws
The Council discussed the rejection of all off-campus courses
be subject to a review by the Graduate Council as to whether there
were sufficient support to offer legitimate off-campus courses.
It was not clear where this will go. Also, a discussion of the
possibility of a shortened semester in the future.
B. Dr. Michael Namorato has been recommended to the Chancellor
for the Academic Suspension and Dismissal Appeals committee.
C. Senator Fisher-Wirth has been selected by the Executive
Committee as a Senate representative to the steering committee
for the Gertrude C. Ford Performing Arts Center.
II. Old Business
A. Minutes of the December
5, 2001 Senate meeting were approved without dissent.
B. There
were three nominations for the Athletic Committee: Bobbie
Krapels, Judith Cassidy, and Kirsten Dellinger. Senator Dellinger
receiving a majority (23) of the votes.
III. Election of Officers
A. Election of Chair
Donna Adler nominated by Senator Laurenzo/2nd Senator Fisher-Wirth;
Senator Donna Adler elected by acclamation.
B. Election of Vice-Chair
David Rock nominated by Senator Laurenzo/2nd Senator Wilkins;
Senator David Rock elected by acclamation.
C. Election of Secretary/Treasurer
Amy E. Mark nominated by Senator Wilkins; Senator Amy E. Mark
elected by acclamation.
D. Selection of Immediate-Past Chair
There are no procedures for filling such a vacancy in our Constitution
according to Senator Laurenzo; therefore, it has been interpreted
that the Senate should make a decision. Senator Rock nominated
Mark Tew who was approved by a unanimous vote.
IV. New Business
A. Discussion of 2001 Fall Break, Senator
Results of the attendance survey: 60 faculty responded, 56 said
normal/same/no problem/perfect attendance; 4 said poor attendance.
ASB also has asked that Thanksgiving Week be the Fall Break week.
Reasons successful that were given were publicity and game weekend.
It was also suggested we consider Columbus Week; however, that
does not take care of the problem of students taking the days
surrounding Thanksgiving also. Senator Martin made a motion
to make Thanksgiving week a Fall Break, seconded by Senator
Rock. The vote was 21 for, 7, abstentions, and 1 no.
B. Report on the University Faculty
Senate Association (UFSA) Meeting, Jackson, MS, Senator Sufka
Thirty faculty and staff from the universities in the state attended.
The participants thought they were going to have input into the
funding situation for higher education; this did not happen. The
Governor used the opportunity to campaign for his budget package.
The University is going to take another big budget cut this year.
The good news is that the Governor would like to restore funding
to the level of two years ago using some of the tobacco
funds. There is a matching federal fund of $3 for every state
dollar for education and health care. The Governor has a health
care plan but not an education plan. He would use $10,000,000
of the trust fund for health care giving us $40,000,000 to spend.
This would give us more prevention, stimulate the economy, return
funding to the level of two years ago, and change our deductible,
substituting a co-pay for the $450 deductible. Mississippi is
ranked first in a number of health concerns: diabetes, heart disease,
inadequate breast cancer screening, population not served by physicians,
and infant mortality.
V. Caucus Election Results
Acadmic Affairs: Ann Fisher-Wirth
Academic Support Services: Luca Bombelli
Faculty Governence: Marvin Overby
Finance: Marily Zarzeski
University Services: Susan Wolcott
Elections Committee, Chair ?; Committee on Committees,
Chair Ken Sufka.
Committee on Committees: Rick Elam
Elections Committee: Marilyn Zarzeski
Applied Sciences
Committee on Committees: Ed Acevedo
Elections Committee: Kathy Knight
Committee on Committee: Phil Malone
Elections Committee: Susan Wolcott
Committee on Committees: Rosemary Oliphant-Ingham
Elections Committee: Nancy Wiggers
Committee on Committees: Wei-Yin Chen
Elections Committee: Brian Barkdoll
Committee on Committees: John Czarnetzky
Elections Committee: Charles Brower
Committee on Committees: Gail Herrera
Elections Committee: Jennifer Ford
Liberal Arts I
Committee on Committees: Luca Bombelli
Elections Committee: Steven Davis
Liberal Arts II
Committee on Committees: Joe Urgo
Elections Committee: Kevin Swinden
Liberal Arts III
Committee on Committees: Ken Sufka
Elections Committee: Marvin Overby
Committee on Committees: John Bentley
Elections Committee: John Schetz
Meeting officially adjourned at 8:30 p.m.