Minutes of the Meeting of the Senate
of the Faculty
Thursday, October 10, 2002, 7:00 p.m., Room 139, Holman
Meeting called to order with a quorum at 7:05 p.m.
Present: Edmund Acevedo, Donna Adler, Milam Aiken, Brahram Alidaee, Nancy Bercaw, Luca Bombelli, Wei-Yin Chen, Kirsten Dellinger, Charles Eagles, Jennifer Ford, K.P. George, Kathy Knight, Phil Malone, Amy E. Mark, Rosemary Oliphant-Ingham, Anne Quinney, James Reid, David Rock, John Schetz, Bobbie Smothers, Warren Steel, Ken Sufka, Mark Tew, Annette Trefzer, Joseph Urgo, Charles West, Nancy Wiggers, Dawn Wilkins, Susan Wolcott
Absent: Aileen Ajootian, Julie Aubrey, Bonnie Avery,
Deborah Barker, John Bentley,Charles Brower, Laurie Cozad, John
Czarnetzky, Steven Davis, Rick Elam, Gail Herrera, Ahmed Kishk,
Fred Laurenzo, Jeanette Martin, Clifford Ochs, Robert Riggs, Charles
Ross, Marilyn Zarzeski
I. Old Business
The minutes of the September 12, 2002 meeting were approved
with out dissent 20020900.html
II. New Business
A. Report from Governance Committee, Chair, Senator Urgo
Met on Oct. 4, 2002, re: the review of academic administrators.
Discussed three year reviews and annual reviews. Committee did
not see any reason for immediate change. After the next group
is reviewed, the committee will ask the Provost: 1.) What are
the criteria she uses? 2.) Does the administrator take a self-review?
3.) Are there any changes in mind?
Provost mentioned that she would like to see more faculty participation
:Dean Hopkins and Provost Staton looking forward to the committees's
Senator Mark moved that that return the issue to the Governance committee pending another cycle of administrative reviews, whereupon the Committee will report back to the Senate. Motion second by Senator Wolcott. Motion approved without dissent.
B. Suggested Amendments to the Constitution of the Senate of the Faculty; available in a Word document: click here.
C. Visit from Chancellor Khayat
i. Handout: editorial from Clarion-Ledger about the Open Doors
ii. Handout: University's commitment to its role as a research
university, prepared by Alice Clark.
IHL will be asking us to set priorities for institutional research
allocations; will likely be developing "centers of excellence"
where universities and junior colleges partner with industry.
This will not happen overnight-there will be time for discussion.
Would like to allay our fears about a lack of commitment to research.
Alice Clark is fighting for all of you-and not just in the hard
sciences. Senator Schetz: handout does not address salary supplementation
for faculty who bring in large grants.
iii. Handout: University Funding
State Funded Projects, Projects Funded with State and Federal
Funds, Projects Funded with State and Private Combination, Federally
Funded Projects, Privately Funded Projects, and University Funded
Projects Since 1995.
Total of $254,684,800.00.
Note much expenditures were for infrastructure
iv. Discussion of student enrollment
Student enrollment is used to off-set cuts from the state to continue
raises. Recruitment and retention will be our salvation during
the next two years.
v. Question: does the administration have long-term plans for faculty salaries?
vi. Question: Was procedure followed in the Economics/Business school shift?
v. Question: Where will economics be permanently housed? Where they are now. Is economics being sufficiently funded? Yes.
vi. Faculty Research
vii. Honor code
Ole Miss still does not have an honor code in place. Is resting
in the Senate currently; Provost would like us to take it up again.
viii. Quadrennial review of Dr. Eftink
ix. Questioning negative remarks by the Provost early this fall in the Daily Mississippian re: faculty retention
x. Inequity of Raises
xi. Sick building syndrome in Faser
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.