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Minutes of the Meeting of the Senate of the Faculty
Januay 15, 2004 7:00 p.m., Turner Center, Room 205

Meeting called to order with a quorum at 7:10 p.m.

Present: Edmund Acevedo, Milam Aiken, Bahram Alidaee, Robert Brown, John Bruce, Victoria Bush, Daisy Cheng, Alice Cooper, Conrad Cunningham, Gregg Davidson, Tristan Denley, Rick Elam, Michelle Emanuel, Garey Fox, Kris Gilliland, Charles Ingene, Greg Johnson, Christopher McCurdy, Rosemary Oliphant-Ingham, Elizabeth Payne, Michael Repka, David Rock, Sidney Rowland, Bill Scott, Laura Sheppardson, Joe Sumrall, Mary Thurlkill, Diane Tidwell, Kristine Willett, John Winkle, Haidong Wu, Alexander Yakovlev

Absent: Judith Cassidy*, Lori Cozad*, Laurdella Foulkes-Levy, Ray Fulton*, Matthew Hall, Fred Laurenzo*, Warren Steel, Randy Wadkins, Charles West*

* Prior Notification

I. Old Business
Minutes of December 11, 2003 -Senator Rock motion to accept, Senator Bruce second. Motion passed without dissent.

II. Election of Officers
A. Election of Chair-Elect

i. Joe Sumrall, nominated by Senator Rock, seconded by Senator Emanuel
ii. John Bruce, nominated by Senator Brown, seconded by Senator Rock
iii. Election by written ballot won by Senator Sumrall

B. Election of Secretary/Treasurer

i. Rosemary Oliphant-Ingham, nominated by Senator Rock, seconded by Senator Brown Nominations closed moved by Senator Bruce
ii. Election of Senator Oliphant-Ingham by acclamation

III. Announcements, Ed Acevedo
A. Introduction of New Senators

IV. New Business
The "Business" of Faculty Senate-Organizational Presentation by the Chair of the Faculty Senate, Ed Acevedo

i. Spring 2004 Meetings-Motion made to approve dates by Senator Rock, second by Senator Denley. Motion passed without dissent.

1. January 15, 2004
2. February 12, 2004 Motion made by Senator Bush to move February meeting to 4:30p.m., second by Senator Rowland. Motion to close discussion by Senator Emanuel, seconded by Senator Davidson. Motion passed without dissent.
3. March 18, 2004
4. April 15, 2004
5. May 6, 2004

B. Unfinished Business

i. Selection and Appointment of Academic Administrators
ii. Honor Code
iii. Incentives and Support of Faculty Senate
iv. Spam Survey
v. February 4 University Open Forum
vi. Parental Leave
vii. University of Faculty Senates Association
viii. SEC Faculty Senate Meeting

C. Caucus by Schools and Liberal Arts Groups to elect members of the University Committee on Committees and the Committee on Elections. Results:

The University Committee on Committees
Chair, John Bruce
The Committee on Elections
Chair, Chris McCurdy
Accountancy: Rick Elam
Applied Sciences: Diane Tidwell
Business: Milam Aiken
Education: Sidney Rowland
Engineering: Conrad Cunningham
Law: Kris Gilliland
Library: Michelle Emanuael
Liberal Arts I: Mary Thurlkill
Liberal Arts II:
Liberal Arts III: John Bruce
Pharmacy: Michael Repka
Applied Sciences: Charles West
Business: Bahram Alidaee
Education: Ray Fulton

Law: Matthew Hall
Library: Daisy Cheng
Liberal Arts I: Laura Sheppardson
Liberal Arts II:
Liberal Arts III:
Pharmacy: Chris McCurdy

Meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.

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