Minutes of the Meeting of the Senate of the Faculty
March 18, 2004 4:45 PM, Thad Cochran Research Center (Natural Products
Center), Room 2066
*Note: Change in meeting time and location.
Meeting called to order at 4:54 p.m. with a quorum
Present: Edmund Acevedo, Alidaee Bahram, Robert Brown, John Bruce, Victoria Bush, Judith Cassidy, Daisy Cheng, Alice Cooper, Laurie Cozad, Conrad Cunningham, Gregg Davidson, Laurdella Foulkes-Levy, Garey Fox, Jamie Harker, Charles Ingene, Greg Johnson, Fred Laurenzo, Christopher McCurdy, Diane Marting, Rosemary Oliphant-Ingham, Elizabeth Payne, Michael Repka, David Rock,, Laura Sheppardson, Joe Sumrall, Diane Tidwell, Randy Wadkins, Charles West, Nancy Wicker, Kristine Willett, Kathleen Wickham, John Winkle, Alexander Yakovlev
Absent: Milam Aiken*, Tristan Denley, Rick Elam, Michelle Emanuel*, Ray Fulton, Matthew Hall, Ivo Kamps, Jennifer Mizenko, Sidney Rowland*, Bill Scott, Warren Steel*, Mary Thurlkill, Joe Urgo*, Haidong Wu*
* Prior Notification
I. New Business
Resolution presented regarding University of Southern Mississippi faculty members
created by Senator Payne, Senator Laurenzo, and Senator Winkle. A motion was
made to accept by Senator Brown and seconded by Senator Payne. Senator McCurdy
called the question. Motion passed without dissent.
***Agenda suspended to discuss Provost survey results.***
Survey regarding the Provost has been completed and presentation was given
regarding the findings. Senator Cassidy made a motion that we act as a committee
of the whole to view the results of the survey, and we move that after we leave
this room we will only make comments about what the Chancellor has said and
no other comments until a senate committee has a chance to meet recommend what
should be disseminated. Senator Davidson seconded the motion. Senator Davidson
moved to vote. Seconded by Senator Cozad.
After survey and pending further decisions, results will be kept confidential.
Winkle called the question
For: 23 Against: 5 Abstain: 2
Motion passed.
Senator Rock moved to close the meeting Senator Winkle seconded. Motion passed
without dissent.