Leary, C.J., Knapp, R. 2014. The stress of elaborate male traits: integrating glucocorticoids with androgen-based models of sexual selection. Animal Behaviour 89:85-92.
Rose, G.J., Alluri, R.K., Vasquez-Opazo, G.A., Odom, S.E., Graham, J.A., Leary, C.J. 2013. Combining pharmacology and whole-cell recording from CNS neurons, in vivo. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 213:99-104.
Leary, C.J., Harris, S. 2013. Steroid hormone levels in calling males and males practicing alternative noncalling mating tactics in the green treefrog, Hyla cinerea. Hormones and Behavior 63:20-24.
Rose, G.J., Leary C.J., Edwards, C.J. 2011. Interval-counting neurons in the anuran auditory midbrain: factors underlying diversity of interval tuning. Journal of Comparative Physiology, A 197:97- 108.
Leary, C.J. 2009. Hormones and acoustic communication in anuran amphibians. Integrative and Comparative Biology 49:452-470. Invited contribution (Cover illustration).
Edwards, C.J., Leary, C.J., Rose, G.J. 2008. Mechanisms of long-interval selectivity in midbrain auditory neurons: roles of excitation, inhibition and plasticity. Journal of Neurophysiology 100:3407- 3416.
Leary, C.J., Garcia, A.M., Knapp, R. 2008. Density-dependent mating tactic expression is linked to stress hormone in Woodhouse's toad. Behavioral Ecology 19:1103-1110.
Leary, C.J., Dobie, J.L., Mann, T.M., Floyd, P.S., Nelson, D.H. 2008. Pseudemys alabamensis Baur 1893 – Alabama red-bellied cooter, Alabama red-bellied turtle. In: Rhodin, A.G.J., Pritchard, P.C.H., van Dijk, P.P., Saumure, R.A., Buhlmann, K.A., and Iverson, J.B. (eds.). Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises: A Compilation Project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 5, pp. 019.1-019.9. Invited contribution.
Leary, C.J., Garcia, A.M., Knapp, R., Hawkins, D.L. 2008. Relationships among steroid hormone levels, vocal effort and body condition in an explosive-breeding toad. Animal Behaviour 76:175-185.
Leary, C.J., Edwards, C.J., Rose, G.J. 2008. Midbrain auditory neurons integrate excitation and inhibition to generate duration selectivity: an in vivo whole-cell patch study in anurans. Journal of Neuroscience 28:5481-5493.
Edwards, C.J., Leary, C.J., Rose, G.J. 2007. Counting on inhibition and rate-dependent excitation in the auditory system. Journal of Neuroscience 27:13384-13392.
Leary, C.J., Garcia, A.M., Knapp, R. 2006. Stress hormone is implicated in satellite-caller associations and sexual selection in the Great Plains toad. The American Naturalist 168:431-440.
Leary C.J., Garcia, A.M., Knapp, R. 2006. Elevated corticosterone levels elicit non-calling mating tactics in male toads independently of changes in circulating androgens. Hormones and Behavior 49:425- 432.
Leary, C.J., Fox, D.J., Shepard, D.B., Garcia, A.M. 2005. Body size, age, growth, and alternative mating tactics in toads: satellite males are smaller but not younger than calling males. Animal Behaviour 70:663-671.
Leary, C.J., Jessop, T.S., Garcia, A.M., Knapp, R. 2004. Steroid hormone profiles and relative body condition of calling and satellite toads: implications for proximate regulation of behavior in anurans. Behavioral Ecology 15(2):313-320.
Leary, C.J., Dobie, J.L., Mann, T.M., Floyd, P.S. 2003. Morphological variation in the endangered Alabama red-bellied cooter (Pseudemys alabamensis) and taxonomic status of a population in Mississippi . Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(3):635-641. (Cover Illustration)
Leary, C.J. 2001. Investigating opposing patterns of character displacement in release and advertisement vocalizations of Bufo americanus and B. fowleri (Anura; Bufonidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 79:1577-1585.
Leary, C.J. 2001. Evidence of convergent character displacement in release vocalizations of Bufo fowleri and B. terrestris (Anura; Bufonidae). Animal Behaviour 61:431-438.
Leary, C.J. 1999. Comparison between release vocalizations emitted during artificial and conspecific amplexus in Bufo americanus. Copeia 1999(2):506-508.
Leary, C.J. and Razafindratsita, V.R. 1998. Attempted predation on a hylid frog, Phrynohyas venulosa, by an indigo snake, Drymarchon corais, and the response of conspecific frogs to distress calls. Amphibia-Reptilia 19(4):442-446.
Leary, C.J., and Packer, A. 1998. Egg deposition site characteristics of the red #yed leaf frog, Agalychnis callidryas Cope (Hylidae). Herpetological Natural History 6(1):55-59.
Leary, C.J. 1996. Bufo woodhousii and B. americanus (Woodhouse's toad and American toad) Absence of vocalizations. Herpetological Review 27(3):139.
Dobie, J.L., Leary, C.J., and Golden, J. 1996. Geographic range extension of the Florida softshell, Apalone ferox. Herpetological Review 27(2): 87.
Dobie, J.L., Leary, C.J., and Davis, A. 1996. Geographic range extension of the false map turtle, Graptemys ouachitensis ouachitensis. Herpetological Review 27(2): 87.
Dobie, J.L., Leary, C.J., and Holman, J.A. 1996. A Pleistocene indigo snake, Drymarchon corais, from the Bogue Chitto Creek, Dallas County, Alabama. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science 67(1):1-5.