NPURU chemist Charles Cantrell examines a burning dried male inflorescence from the breadfruit tree, which some people burn to repel biting insects. (Photo by USDA photographer Peggy Greb)
Wherever U.S. troops are deployed, they become targets for a barrage of blood-feeding, disease-carrying insects. By serving in the Deployed War-Fighter Protection research program, scientists in the Thad Cochran Research Center are working to arm troops with weapons to protect or defend themselves from these attacks.

Phase II construction is scheduled to be completed in 2014.
The School of Pharmacy is constructing Phase II of its Thad Cochran Research Center. The additional building, one of the most technically sophisticated research structures in the Southeast, will nearly double the school’s research space and enable scientists to expand their efforts to discover and develop natural products and improve human health.

Last year's awards banquet honored Montez Carter, John McKinney and Wendy McKinney.
Presentation of the 2014 Distinguished Alumni Awards, six class reunions and a golf tournament highlight Pharmacy Alumni Weekend, slated for April 4-5 on the Oxford campus. You also won’t want to miss the dean’s reception, alumni breakfast and continuing education program, all of which make this event meaningful and fun.

Dale Nagle
Pharmacognosy professor Dale Nagle has been awarded an Overseas Distinguished Visiting Professorship from the College of Pharmacy at the Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The professorship will enable Nagle to present seminars, exchange research findings and foster collaborative study of plants used in traditional Chinese medicines.

Jennifer Hockings (left) and Laney Owings won first place in a local clinical skills competition in October.
Jennifer Hockings and Laney Owings, both in the third professional year of pharmacy school at Ole Miss, are advancing to the 2013 national clinical skills competition at the midyear meeting of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists in Orlando in early December. If you see them there, please be sure to congratulate them!

Pharmacy Matters, Family Matters:
Jean Pinion
Since Jean Pinion began working in the School of Pharmacy in 1990, she has worn many hats — problem solver, report writer, meeting scheduler and even teaching assistant for a professor’s classes — and helped scores of students and faculty along the way. Pharmacy Matters recently interviewed Pinion about her 23 years with the school.

Dec. 8-12 – American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Orlando
Jan. 30 – Pharmacy Day at the Capitol, Jackson