Thomas M. Pullen Herbarium
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 University of Mississippi | Biology Department
Preliminary Checklist of Mississippi Plants
Specimen Database
Mississippi Checklist
Rare Plants
The checklist includes approximately 2,940 species of vascular plants, with a total of over 3,700 taxa when infraspecific groups, named hybrids, and naturalized non-native species are included. The checklist links to our Pullen Herbarium specimen database, at least for those groups that have been entered. This preliminary checklist is a work in progress, and visitors are encouraged to contact the Curator with information and to correct inaccuracies.

How the Preliminary Checklist was Built
In 1999, Lucile McCook worked with John Kartesz of the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) to refine his information on Mississippi and to build a preliminary checklist of plants. The list began with taxa that had been reported from Mississippi in the literature, with references, from Kartesz' BONAP database. McCook added taxa, based upon specimens, and verified taxa on the list by designating if a specimen for each taxon exists in the Pullen Herbarium. The checklist contains the following information: plant family, scientific name, USDA symbol, reference, and herbarium acronym. The state record information for Mississippi was then included in BONAP and was uploaded into the USDA PLANTS database.

To Cite this Checklist
McCook, L.M., and J. Kartesz. 2000. A preliminary checklist of the plants of Mississippi. Website:
This checklist was first posted in July 2000, but is a work in progress.
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Please report problems to the webmaster. Site content last updated September 2004. Database last updated January 2005.
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