Blackboard Course Removal Policy
Blackboard courses with a Course ID that includes a semester designation (e.g. 2008-2009 FALL) will be deleted 4 years after the course has been completed.
To remove old courses that are no longer needed in order to free up system resources.
Spring 2008-2009 courses in Blackboard will be deleted in May 2013. Spring 2009-2010 courses in Blackboard will be deleted in May 2014.
Note: In order to save a copy of your course content, you can Export your course using the "Export/ Archive Course" feature located under the Packages and Utilities option in the control panel. Save the resulting export (.zip) file to your local computer. Course exports do not contain student work such as journal entries, discussion forum postings, grades, or assignment submissions. If you need to save this information, please do so manually. You can use the "Work Offline–Download" feature located in the Grade Center to retain a copy of student grades.
If you would like your course removed from Blackboard prior to the 4 year cycle, you may email the Course ID to, and we will remove it for you.
If your course is not tied to a specific semester (e.g. Applied Sciences Research Series ORG, ISHS, IS, etc.), it will not be included in the yearly course cleanup cycle.