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Tradition of leadership continued by graduates

Pharmacy alumni Alan Spies (left), Jillian Foster, Tina Brock and Joe Bonnarens beam at the camera following their installation as Phi Lambda Sigma officers.


he School of Pharmacy and its Department of Pharmacy Administration have a great tradition of producing individuals committed to advancing the practice of pharmacy by assuming leadership roles within national organizations. A milestone in that tradition was reached this year when the pharmacy leadership society, Phi Lambda Sigma, installed new officers to serve on its Executive Committee.

Four of the officers, who were installed at the end of the society's 36th annual House of Delegates meeting in Seattle, have ties to Ole Miss, and three of the four are pharmacy administration graduates.

President: Joseph K. Bonnarens (MSPS 00, PhD 03-PHAD), associate professor of pharmacy administration at Pacific University's School of Pharmacy in Hillsboro, Ore.

President-Elect: Tina Penick Brock (BSPS 90, MSPS 92-PHAD), associate dean for teaching and learning at the University of California-San Francisco's School of Pharmacy

Treasurer: Alan Spies (PhD 06-PHAD), director of professional development and associate professor at the University of Oklahoma's College of Pharmacy

Parliamentarian: Jillian Foster (BSPS 01, PharmD 04), director of pharmacy at Baptist Memorial Hospital-North Mississippi in Oxford and president-elect of the Ole Miss Pharmacy Alumni Chapter

Founded in 1965, Phi Lambda Sigma's mission is to support pharmacy leadership by recognizing leaders and fostering leadership development.

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