Records Retention Policy



Telephone - 915-7431

The Human Resources Department is the official repository for documents related to personnel. They are responsible for retaining the official copy of a record and serve as the department responsible for the development, maintenance, retention and destruction of records. Records are retained as specified by UM, IHL, State, Federal or outside entity guidelines. Departmental records are retained at the discretion of the department but are encouraged to follow the guidelines outlined in order to reduce labor and save space.


The department retains the following records on a permanent basis:

AAUP forms, Bankruptcy, Bureau of Labor Statistics Report on Employment , Census, Child Support, Current Job Descriptions, Data Sheets – Terminated, Donated Leave Records, Garnishment, Form 9, IHL-5, Inactive Employee Benefits File, Insurance Vendors –Contracts, Sample Documents, etc., IPEDS, Leave Records – SAP, MESC – Occupational Employment Survey, Payroll Records 1987-1997, Quarterly Reports on New Hires, State Retirement Earnings Cards, Surveys, TSA Company Contracts, VETS 100, W-2, YTD Payroll Records

Departmental Unofficial Copy

The department retains the following records for a period of 7 years:

Payroll Time Sheets, Time Sheets


The department retains the following records for a period of 5 years:

Grievances, Promotions (Faculty), Reduction in Force (RIF), Tenure (Faculty)


The departments retains the following records for 4 years after termination:

HR-3 (for students), HR-6, HR-7, HR-18


The department retains the following records for 3 years:

AAP-50, Applications for Professional Positions, Applications for Staff Positions, Recruitment Reports