Kenneth Rich

Assistant Professor of Economics

Dr. Kenneth Rich is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Mississippi.

Research Interests

Dr. Rich’s research focuses on the impact of U.S. monetary and fiscal policies on financial markets and the macroeconomy. He is particularly interested in studying the roles of inside and outside monetary aggregates in the monetary transmission mechanism, the interactions between monetary and fiscal policies, and how these policies have evolved in the United States since the postwar period. His research employs advanced macroeconometric tools, including Bayesian vector autoregressions (VARs) and dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models, to assess the effects of monetary and fiscal policies.


Dr. Kenneth Rich is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Mississippi. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the North Carolina State University in 2022. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in macroeconomics, monetary economics, and applied time series analysis (macroeconometrics). Dr. Rich’s research focuses on the impact of U.S. monetary and fiscal policies on financial markets and the macroeconomy. He is particularly interested in studying the roles of inside and outside monetary aggregates in the monetary transmission mechanism, the interactions between monetary and fiscal policies, and how these policies have evolved in the United States since the postwar period. His research employs advanced macroeconometric tools, including Bayesian vector autoregressions (VARs) and dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models, to assess the effects of monetary and fiscal policies.


B.S. Business Administration, University of North Carolina Wilmington (2014)

M.A. Economics, North Carolina State University-Raleigh (2017)

Ph.D. Economics, North Carolina State University-Raleigh (2022)