
Kelly Caston

  • Program

    Pharmaceutical Sciences ( School of Pharmacy )
  • Hometown

    Ruston, LA (South)
  • About

    Hi! My name is Kelly, and I am currently a sophomore here at Ole Miss. I love it so, so much! I enjoy spending time with my friends and playing pickleball, but don't get me wrong, I also spend a lot of time in the books!
Kelly Caston in the grove!

Why did you choose to attend Ole Miss?

I chose Ole Miss because of the Early Entry program and because of the generous scholarships I received. I also loved the campus and thought it was the prettiest campus I had toured.

When and how did you choose your major?

When I was in middle school I randomly decided I wanted to be a pharmacist. It has stuck since then especially after I discovered that I like chemistry. Now I am so happy with myself from middle school!

Why did you choose to do the Early Entry program?

I chose to do Early Entry because I was pretty set on studying pharmacy, and the program at Ole Miss is just so great. Everyone I talked to said that I should do it, so I did!

What did you like about the prioritized housing?

I did not live in Burns Hall, but I wish I had. The contemporary dorms are very nice, and I saw how many of my EE friends were closer because they lived together.

What is your favorite EE memory?

My favorite EE memories are probably from the welcome week during my freshman year. I got to meet many of my classmates and do fun things with them!

What would you tell a high school student about your major? What is most important for them to know if they’re interested in pursuing that field of study?

This major is challenging. It requires a lot of time and effort, but it is totally worth it, and it is totally doable. You will get out of this what you put in, but it does help if you enjoy studying chemistry, biology, etc. It's a lot of science!

Why is your school a special place?

Ole Miss is a special place because of the tight-knit communities and the culture that surrounds the school!

What are your 3 favorite things about your major/department at UM?

  1. The people!
  2. The department does so much for students! there is always something going on.
  3. Honestly, the department is really good about giving scholarships, which is so helpful!

Can you tell me about a professor or a class you’ve taken that has had the most impact on you?

Honestly, Organic chemistry with Professor Emily Rowland had such an impact on me. Most people hate organic, but Dr. Rowland taught me so much, and I discovered that I really love chemistry. It helped me become more assured that pharmacy is what I want to do.

What has been one of your most memorable or enjoyable moments at Ole Miss?

I would have to say the most memorable moment at Ole Miss has been when we rushed the field after beating LSU this past year. It was so fun and chaotic!

What do you hope to do after you graduate? What are your career goals/plans after graduation?

After I graduate, I obviously will be a pharmacist, but right now, I hope to work either in a compounding pharmacy or a hospital setting. I am really open to anything, though, and am more focused on the present!

Apart from school, how do you spend your time in Oxford? What are your hobbies, favorite places to go, etc.?

I am a Younglife leader at Oxford High School, so I spend a lot of time with the high schoolers here! I also enjoy hanging out with friends, going to sporting events, and playing lots of pickleball.

What is your go-to meal in Oxford?

Catfish plate from Ajax!

What are you binge-watching or reading right now?

Law and Order: SVU

What are some dream travel destinations?

Greece! Really anywhere in Europe!

What is one thing you wish you knew as an incoming freshman that you’d tell your past self?

Freshman year is hard, but it’s okay. Everyone says that college is the best time of your life (and I agree), but as an out-of-state student who didn’t rush, my first semester was very lonely. Hang in there and get involved! I promise you will find your people!