UM Today

Email announcements can come from everywhere. The lines of communication between instructors and students, deans and their departments, the administration and campus, and others across the university community all contribute to the total number of messages that compete for your attention.

Since communication is a two-way exchange, making the announcement is only half the job. People must receive and understand it, as well. There can be a variety of interruptions to this process:

  • Inboxes can quickly fill up with unwanted messages and spam.
  • Important messages can get lost amid the other ones.
  • Urgent messages draw attention away from important ones.
  • It is hard to know if a message is legitimate or if it is an attempt to trick you into giving private information.

All your messages at one time

UM Today is designed to improve communication across campus. Created by the Office of Information Technology, UM Today is a system that allows senders to create the announcements and specify target audiences. Then, after midnight, you will receive a single email message containing summaries of all announcements intended for you. Think of UM Today as your personalized "morning edition," in which announcements are categorized and prioritized ahead of time, making your life a little easier. Simply scan the subjects and summaries and decide whether you'd like to read the full details.

All your messages in one place

UM Today is more than an email delivery system. It also posts your targeted announcements inside myOleMiss. So if you missed your personal edition of UM Today that day, you can still see your current announcements. New announcements are added to this list as they are created, so you don't have to wait until the next morning to see them all.

UM Today Express

Occasionally an announcement needs to be sent out immediately, and that's what UM Today Express is for. While we will attempt to limit these, emergency and high-profile messages will be permitted. These messages will also appear in the next day's edition of UM Today.

But wait, there's more...

Some things are worth announcing to the world beyond the campus community. These messages will be included in the UM home page's Announcement rotation. Senders, while creating their announcement, can suggest that it also be put on the home page.

Ready to say something?

If you have something to post, you may do so through UM Today Administration. If you are a full-time employee but are not authorized to use this system, you may request permission through the IT Helpdesk. You may view the UM Today documentation for an overview of how to use the system.