The Department of Pharmacy Administration

has developed a reputation for high quality related to pharmaceuticals, pharmacy, and health care. The Department faculty routinely employ national mail surveys, focus groups, interviews, and secondary data sets in their research. Students in the program gain expertise in the use of these research methods.

Defining Excellence in Administration

Student presenting her poster.

Persistent Pursuits

Our students have completed 120 dissertations since the founding of the department. These students have redifined and left their mark on the field.

student speaking in class

Strong Minds

Our students have completed 133 theses since the founding of the department. These students have excelled in the workforce today.

Student tutoring and explaining a computer system.

Why do research in administration?

Someone should pursue graduate education in Pharmacy Administration to effect meaningful, positive change in healthcare at a systems level. Graduate training empowers us to rigorously address health inequity, access to healthcare, and value in healthcare. Better healthcare evidence can inform better healthcare decisions and help our healthcare system work better for everyone.

Emily Gravlee

Pharmacy Administration Student

Our Partnerships and Research projects

Teacher teaching a class.

The Center for Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management

The faculty and graduate students of the department work closely with the CPMM on various research projects critical to understanding health care issues.

STEMS REU student presenting her research.

Undergraduate Research Experience

The program aims to provide educational science research opportunities at the University of Mississippi to undergraduate students seeking research experiences and considering a career in research or academia.

  • Logo for Project Score

    Project SCORE

    Project SCORE seeks to increase awareness of and interest in public health, science engagement and STEM careers, as well as increase matriculation into higher education STEM programs to enhance and diversify the future biomedical workforce. (Faculty: Marie Barnard)

    Learn More
  • Opioid Tapering Among Older Adults

    Study of the safety and effectiveness of it. (Faculty: Yi Yang (PI), John Bently, Sujith Ramachandran, and Kaustuv Bhattacharya)

  • National Community Pharmacy Digest

    .............(Faculty: Erin Holmes)

  • Jackson Heart Study CMS data resource working group

    Study among the CMS data resource working group. (Faculty: Yi Yang (PI), and Kaustuv Bhattacharya)

  • Long-term Opioid Use in Older Adults

    Studying the prevalence and safety of it. (Faculty: Yi Yang (PI), John Bently, and Sujith Ramachandran)
