Transfer Equivalencies

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Equivalencies for EL 134Kayaking

School Course Name UM Credits
Auburn University Main Campus (C001009)
PHED 1710 — Aquatics: Beginning Kayaking 1.00
Brevard College (C002912)
PE 155 — Kayaking 1.00
Delta State University (C002403)
PER 190 — Canoe/Kayak 1.00
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (C002417)
HPR 1111 — Intro to Kayaking 1.00
HPR 1121 — Intro to Kayaking 1.00
HPR 2111 — White Water Rafting 1.00
HPR 2122 — Kayaking Expedition 1.00
Montreat-Anderson College (C002948)
PE 240 — Kayaking 1.00
University of Memphis (C003509)
PHED 1782 — Kayaking 1.00