Teaching Development grants

CETL offers grants to support faculty/staff work that advances the goals of exemplary teaching and meaningful learning.

Faculty discuss active teaching strategies at a recent CETL event

We offer two types of grants

Mini-Grants for projects

The purpose of CETL mini-grants is to support faculty and staff with the development and/or execution of initiatives aimed at improving teaching and/or student learning. Successful mini-grant applications will propose projects that have clear, direct, and significant influence on teaching and/or student learning within courses, programs, or disciplines.

Travel Grants for teaching-related conference/workshop attendance

The purpose of CETL Travel Grants is to support UM faculty’s and instructional staff’s attendance at conferences and workshops devoted to teaching and learning in higher education. For a comprehensive directory of conferences on college and university teaching, visit the database maintained by Kennesaw State University’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

All grant funds for the 2023-2024 school year have been disbursed. Please check back at a later time for information on future grants. 

How to apply for a grant

If you are interested in applying for one of our grants, please read through each offering before submitting your application.


Recognizing that learning is a process that needs constant attention and refinement, CETL works to promote an ongoing, university-wide discussion about teaching and learning issues. It is essential that faculty be engaged in dialogue about teaching and learning issues so that we can continue to adapt to the changing technology, student body, and understanding in our fields.

The purpose of CETL mini-grants is to support faculty and staff with the development and/or execution of initiatives aimed at improving teaching and/or student learning. Successful minigrant applications will propose projects that have clear, direct, and significant influence on teaching and/or student learning within courses, programs, or disciplines.

Monetary limit: $1,000


All teaching staff may apply including full-time faculty, adjuncts, and teaching teams that include graduate instructors. Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously received mini-grants.

Application Guidelines:

Proposals cannot exceed 10 double-spaced pages and must include:

  • Description of project including appropriate references
  • Teaching and/or learning objective(s) that will be impacted by proposal
  • Description of students that will be impacted (e.g., number, major, academic standing, classification, etc.)
  • Timeline showing start and stop dates with any significant deadlines
  • Measure(s) to assess its impact on teaching and/or student learning; measures may cross fiscal years
  • Total estimated cost of the proposal; if proposal exceeds $1000 limit, please detail the source of additional funds

2. Application deadlines are 5:00pm on March 1th, September 1st, and November 1st.

3. All grant proposal applications must be submitted to the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, 105 Hill Hall, (662) 915-1391, cetl@olemiss.edu.

4. Applications will be reviewed by the CETL Board; applicants will be notified of the Board’s decision via email by the 25th of each month

Reporting and Release of Funds:

A final report detailing the results of the project must be presented university-wide. Recipient(s) must present teaching and/or student learning assessment outcomes at a FacChat. If monies are requested prior to the completion of the project, requests must include status updates. When possible, purchases should be made with a University account to avoid sales tax. Final reports must include:

  • Teaching and/or student learning assessment results
  • Implications of findings on teaching and/or learning practices
  • Original documentation of approved expenses

Travel Grants

Recognizing that learning is a process that needs constant attention and refinement, CETL works to promote an ongoing, university-wide discussion about teaching and learning issues. It is essential that faculty and instructors engage in dialogue and in development opportunities which focus on teaching and learning issues so that our university evolves with the changes in higher education.

The purpose of CETL Travel Grants is to support UM faculty’s and instructional staff’s attendance to conferences and workshops devoted to teaching and learning in higher education.

Monetary limit: $1,000


All teaching staff may apply including faculty, adjuncts, and graduate instructors. Preferences will be given to applicants in the following order: (1) Permanent Faculty; (2) Temporary Faculty/Adjuncts; and (3) Graduate Instructors.

The following types of travel are eligible for funding:

  • Travel to a workshop targeting teaching and learning
  • Travel to a conference where the applicant is presenting on a teaching and learning topic
  • Travel to a teaching/learning conference

Application Guidelines:

1. Completed application form to include

  • Description of the conference/workshop and date
  • Applicant’s intent for going (what do you intend to learn and share with UM community; what will you
  • present)
  • Total travel funds requested from CETL, not to exceed $1,000
  • Recommendation of chair or dean from your department

2. Application deadlines are 5:00pm on March 1st and September 1st

3. All travel grant applications must be submitted to CETL online to Travel Grant Application Box or emailed to cetl@olemiss.edu.

4. Applications will be reviewed by the CETL Board; applicants will be notified of the decision via email by the 25th of the month of submission.

Reporting and Release of Funds:

A final report is required indicating the ways applicants apply the information they learned and ways they will share information about their workshop and conference experiences university-wide. Some examples to do this include the following: leading a FacChat or Faculty Development Luncheon, participating in the annual SoTL poster session, or leading a learning community. Final reports must include:

  •  Applied techniques and assessment (action research); presentation with feedback from audience
  • Means to share with UM faculty/staff
  • Original documentation of approved expenses