Violence Prevention Program Seeks to Elevate Status, Visibility on Campus

New office aims to enhance services for students

OXFORD, Miss. – The University of Mississippi has created the Office of Confidential Advocacy, Support and Education, or CASE, to enhance services for students affected by sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking, pending approval by the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning board of trustees.

CASE is an evolution of the VIP: Survivor Support program and would operate as a department within the Dean of Students Community of Practice, which resides within the Division of Student Affairs.

"Becoming a stand-alone department increases visibility and prominence as an essential service for students and a referral resource for faculty and staff," said Shelli Poole, director of the program. "A prominent, identifiable office is a best practice to create a low-barrier, clear path for students to connect with services."

The department's staff and the student organization Rallying Against Sexual Assault, or RASA, will continue educational outreach to prevent interpersonal violence and raise awareness of these issues. Outreach on campus has included educating students on topics such as consent, bystander intervention and healthy relationships.

Poole, Brent Marsh, assistant vice chancellor and dean of students, and other campus partners have spent the past two and a half years conducting research on evidence-based approaches to intervene and prevent interpersonal violence. The Violence Against Women working group under the Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women also advocated for this new department.

"I am grateful for the support of our senior leaders who recognize the important work undertaken by Shelli and her staff and look forward to the many ways CASE will make a difference in students' lives," Marsh said.

Faculty and staff who know students who may have experienced any type of interpersonal violence, including sexual assault, relationship violence or stalking, are encouraged to ask them to reach out to CASE by calling 662-915-5796 or emailing for confidential emotional support and resources.

Poole can also help faculty and staff who are interested in a presentation for a class or department.


Staff Report



September 08, 2024
