Chancellor Boyce Memorial Day Message

University Seal

Memorial Day offers us an important time to remember our military heroes who have laid down their lives in sacrifice for our nation.

They were selfless and brave with an enduring love of country. Today is also an opportunity to reflect on the blessings we share in calling the United States home. We’re grateful for the noble dedication of our service men and women who protect freedom and secure a world with greater peace and safety for all. 

As a university community with more than 2,000-military-connected students across all of our campuses, we extend our profound appreciation to the Ole Miss military family — our veterans, our current military members, those who are preparing to answer the call to serve, and all of their families. These heroic individuals sacrifice for this great nation and its citizens, and we are grateful for their courage and commitment.

Please consider participating in the National Moment of Remembrance, a minute of silence observed at 3 p.m. local time each year on Memorial Day, to remember those who died in service to our nation. To all those who have a loved one who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and freedom, please know that our thoughts are with you.



Chancellor Glenn Boyce


Office, Department or Center


May 27, 2024